Screenwriting : Screenplay Treatment: What is your experience with these? by Melanie Lang

Melanie Lang

Screenplay Treatment: What is your experience with these?

Is my treatment complete? How often are you asked to share yours (before or after) executives are willing to read the script? I used the "Writing a Screenplay Synopsis" Resource Sheet graciously shared by Stage 32 (thank you!), but I haven't seen an actual sample. I'm willing to share mine if that is allowed. In its current format, it is 8 pages long.

Maurice Vaughan

I don't get asked for treatments much, Melanie Lang, but I make them for my feature scripts in case producers and directors ask.

I'm not sure if there's a standard format for treatments. Here's the order of my treatments (sometimes the order changes, and sometimes my treatments don't have all of these things):

Title Page (a script poster and my name)

Table of Contents

Rundown/Overview (genres, sub-genres, logline, # of pages in the script, the script's theme, short synopsis, why make the movie & why the movie needs to be made now, comparables, # of characters, # of locations, budget (estimate), and target audience)

Character Bios

Full Synopsis

A Story, B Story, Subplot(s), Act Structure

Sequels/Franchise/Other Media


Contact & Info

You could post your treatment on your profile (in the Logline section) for members to see.

Dan Guardino

Years ago treatments were used when there wasn't a screenplay. If a producer asks me for one I send them a synopsis. If they don't want to read the screenplay after that I don't care..

Dan MaxXx

My reps want to read treatments before script pages, and the few paid screenwriting assignment jobs I've done, the employers wanted treatments first.

Nick Phillips

Melanie Lang It helps to have a treatment on hand if/when asked, and you most likely will be asked to send one in lieu of that person reading the script. 8 pages is actually a solid length. Anything less than that seems too slight, and if you start getting into 20-30 page treatments (I've seen as long as 50!) then you might as well read the script.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Mark Deuce.

Mark Deuce

Have a great 4th Maurice Vaughan

CJ Walley

I consider a one page synopsis pretty much essential for a spec script. I've spoken before about "the gap" between an industry member seeing a logline and committing to a read. The bigger the industry member, the bigger that gap is to overcome. A one-pager gives them so much more to get excited about and confirms that a read is worthwhile. Here is an example

I put together two-pagers for closer relationships with producers, where a script may not exist, but we're talking to people who might be interested in us putting together a project. I once got a full funding offer for a two-pager the afternoon after I'd written it.

On the development side, I wouldn't do anything other than a polish without a treatment, but those vary depending on time and what already exists. I sent out some development notes last week that had a six page treatment. Then, this week, I sent out a twelve page treatment. That's all about making sure everyone has had their say before I start committing to script pages.

Going back to my first point, I feel we are moving into a time where pitching in some form is becoming essential. The gap now needs to be filled with more to stand out and stimulate.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Mark Deuce. Have a great 4th too.

Alejandro Marello

Happy 4th of July to everyone in the USA! :)

Quick question: is a treatment the same as a bible/pitch?

Dan Guardino

Alejandro Marello Quick answer. No.

Alejandro Marello

@danguardino thanks

So, I need to start looking into how to create a treatment right away.

Melanie Lang

Thank you, everyone, for your thoughts and sharing your experience! I feel pretty good about my treatment. It wasn't too difficult to write, which probably means I am getting closer to creating a concise verbal pitch.

Mariia Rudenko

hi Melanie Lang ! my treatments are normally 8-10 pages long and contain the following:








beats with sequences

oh, and of course my name, mail, telephone etc

Maurice Vaughan

Happy 4th of July, Alejandro Marello.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Melanie Lang. Are you a Writers' Room member? There's a weekly Pitch Practice that can help you with your verbal pitch.

Travis Seppala

I have literally NEVER been asked for a treatment for one of my scripts. Like, EVER ever. lol

I've been asked to write treatments when hired to write a script - they want a treatment or outline done to greenlight before I go to script.

I've been asked for onesheets (one page synopsis) of my scripts.

I've been asked for pitch decks for my scripts (I don't really have any, I'm only just recently starting to try making some).

But nobody has EVER asked me for a treatment of one of my scripts in my entire screenwriting career...

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