Introduce Yourself : Hello by Logan Benson


Hey everyone! My name is Logan, I’m 20 years old, and I’m a recent Vancouver Film School (VFS) graduate in video game/TV writing. I'm currently studying game design in college. I'm diving into script coordination/script editing and am eager to gain some hands-on experience. If you know of any opportunities, even unpaid ones, let me know.

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Logan Benson. Congratulations on graduating!

Sydney Summers

Hey Logan! Welcome to the community, and congratulations on graduating from VFS! It's fantastic to hear about your focus on game design and script coordination/editing.

I came across an upcoming webinar on Stage 32 that might be perfect for you: A Step-by-Step Guide to Working as a Script Coordinator, link:

It could provide you with some valuable insights and help you gain the experience you're looking for.

Best of luck, and feel free to reach out if you need any more recommendations or advice!

Logan Benson

Thank you Sydney Summers ! This helps a lot

Sydney Summers

No problem Logan, you can email me always at have a nice day!

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