Screenwriting : Show me where you write by Amanda Toney

Amanda Toney

Show me where you write

I want to see where everyone writes - upload your photos. Easy way to do that is to upload it from the Stage 32 app....and, no cheating....I want to see the good, the bad and the ugly!

Stefano Pavone

Here. The mics have long since been sold along with some of my other old musical equipment, but the computer still remains.

Christine Capone

Kitchen. I can see out the kitchen window and see our front yard and the back deck as well. Can also keep an eye on my dogs. I have an office chair at the table rather than a kitchen chair too. Have to do what works!

Miroslavas Siniavskis

Environment for my last 3 projects

Wal Friman

Politically pursued. Only get with me what fits into the car. This is pretty much it. The window is my dinner table.

Lindbergh E Hollingsworth

Amanda, show me yours, and I'll show you mine, girl!!

Michael Elliott

My home office. Where our cleaning lady dares not tread,

Julian Harrison

lenovo yoga - dual screen notebook - my office where ever this bad boy opens!

E Langley

A wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination...

Michael Elliott

Mark Deuce,,,,twisted yet brilliant.

Maurice Vaughan

Here's where I write and do most of my Stage 32 stuff at. In my bed. It's comfortable, but I don't fall asleep. I'm outlining a car script. That's why the toy cars are in the picture. I'm using the cars to visualize scenes and come up with ideas.

Cam Cade

Not very glamorous but I like to sit on the floor and write.

Debbie Croysdale

When not on the move write in my indoor jungle!

Ingrid Wren

In my study at home accompanied by my writing companion Sisu...

Amanda Toney

I am loving this post! I think we should all vote…Let’s vote for “best setup”, “best view” and “most potential for procrastination”

my votes:

Best setup: Ingrid

Best view: Debbie & Matthew (the greenery and that jungle!)

Most potential for procrastination: Francisco

Maurice Vaughan

Best setup: Chris

Best view: Debbie and Matthew

Most potential for procrastination: Francisco (because of your cute dog, Francisco)

E Langley

Best Playing With Toy Cars With RRRR-RRRR, BEEP BEEP: Maurice

Best Need For A Machete: Matthew

Best Pain In The Ass Dog: Francisco

Maurice Vaughan

Haha E Langley

Nick Phillips

100% agree on Debbie Croysdale and Matthew Kelcourse and those views of nature, that must help the creative flow for sure! And points to Mark Deuce for his pic. : )

Charles V Abela

“Out of Chaos, comes Order.” In a way, inspiration for JET STREAM LAWYER, came partly from the motivational leaflet at the bottom - wise words uttered by Jeff Daniels from A MAN IN FULL.

Lisa Lee

Maurice Vaughan What a great idea to use toy cars to visualize your script! I wrote a racing script years ago and I never thought to do that.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Lisa Lee. The cars really help. And I'm having fun, which makes it easier to outline the script.

Vincent Turner

I'm just here right now... Ok I'm here a lot

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