Screenwriting : Lab coming soon! Write Your Feature Screenplay in 12 Weeks with Expert Guidance from a Global Executive by Sydney Summers

Sydney Summers

Lab coming soon! Write Your Feature Screenplay in 12 Weeks with Expert Guidance from a Global Executive

Stage 32 is eager to welcome Thomas Pemberton back for his upcoming lab. Over 12 intensive weeks, Thomas will work closely with you to outline, write, and actually complete your feature film screenplay.

Thomas will lead intimate group sessions where he will offer notes and guidance on specific portions of each writer’s screenplay or vision documents, incrementally and methodically working towards a completed and polished product. You will also work one-on-one over Zoom with Thomas and will have direct access to Thomas over email for the duration of the lab.

You will additionally have the benefit of getting support, feedback, and perspective from the other members of the lab, as well as the opportunity to offer your own for their projects.

This is a perfect time to take control of your creative career and give yourself the accountability and guidance you need to take this leap and write a screenplay that you can be proud of... and that will get you noticed.

You will walk away from this 12-week lab with a completed feature film screenplay in hand that has been vetted by a top executive that you can share with studios, financiers, agents, and managers!

Sign up link:

Email for any questions you may have regarding the lab.

Sydney Summers

Looking forward to this lab beginning this weekend!

Jimmie Pelyhes

Can't find the questionnaire I need to complete

Maria Bird-Picó

Great start! Interesting story ideas.

Jimmie Pelyhes

I don't that I have the correct email address for the instructor. Can anyone tell me what it is? Much thanks in advance

Sydney Summers

Hey Jimmie, were you able to access the questionnaire? I am happy to email it over to you.

Jimmie Pelyhes

not yet

Sydney Summers

Jimmie, just emailed it to you from let me know if you didn't receive it!

Sydney Summers

Jimmie, please let me know if you didn't receive it yesterday!

Jimmie Pelyhes

yes i got it. sorry I emailed the response,

Sydney Summers

No worries, glad you got it Jimmie!

Dennis Larkin

Hi Sydney - I had a lot of trouble hearing Thomas last week. Not sure if it's his mic or not but I had my volume up as high as it could go and still couldn't hear well. Hoping he can take a look. Thanks!

Sydney Summers

Hi, Dennis! Kayla let me know she got in contact with you regarding this. Thank you for flagging!!

Diana Lock

Looking forward to hearing how everyone's stories are progressing this week.

Sydney Summers

Hey everyone! How’s the lab going for you all?

Sydney Summers

Can’t wait to hear how things are shaping up!

Maria Bird-Picó

It’s going great! One suggestion is to alert us via email when the class recording is available. In a previous class, we were notified right away.

Sam Rivera

Very exciting and Thomas is such a great exec, can't wait to see what he has in store!

Daniel Stuelpnagel

Cheers y'all great progress so far, what is this, week 5 coming up?

A bit of a blur as I am still playing catch-up but very well worth it for me because I have been able to deconstruct my original concept, leave behind some major flaws and pivot to a new angle with the same protagonist and basic story world,

I think I have a good new direction now so I'm glad I had to tackle that uncertainty and with such great help from Thomas ask the questions that needed to be asked - - Why? Why? Why? and more!

Sydney Summers it is a wonderful Lab workshop, great group of writers with really diverse and interesting stories, everyone at somewhat different stages of their projects, and I'm taking notes on Thomas' feedback to the other writers as well because things pop up that are widely relevant, so it kind of magnifies the utility of the whole experience so to speak as it is giving me more ideas about my own outline based on what challenges others are facing as well.

Plenty of writing to do this week, here we go !!

Sydney Summers

Hi, Daniel!

I'm so glad to hear you're finding the lab workshop valuable! It’s great that the diverse group and Thomas’ feedback are sparking new ideas for your own outline. Keep taking those notes—it sounds like you're making the most of the experience!

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