Producing : Joaquin Phoenix Exits From Todd Hayne's Film Days Before Production Started by Sam Sokolow

Sam Sokolow

Joaquin Phoenix Exits From Todd Hayne's Film Days Before Production Started

There is a lot to unpack here - and I'm sure we'll learn more in the coming days or weeks - but as a producer, I can only imagine the heartache and turmoil that they are dealing with right now (which does not mean that Joaquin Phoenix doesn't have his reasons for making this move).

Producer for Todd Haynes' Gay Romance Film Addresses Joaquin Phoenix Exit: "A Nightmare"
Producer for Todd Haynes' Gay Romance Film Addresses Joaquin Phoenix Exit: "A Nightmare"
The producer also defended her production company's choice to cast Phoenix, who is straight, in the film about gay characters. The comments, made on Facebook, have since been deleted.
Geoff Hall

Sam Sokolow what does this mean, contractually, Sam? Can talent just walk away, without redress to the Producers?

Sam Sokolow

That's a great question, Geoff Hall. I don't have the details of their agreements. Insurance may play a part. It's one of the things I'm going to be following as they story unfolds.

Maurice Vaughan

I'm surprised to hear Joaquin Phoenix left the project since it's his project, Sam Sokolow. And a few days before filming started. I'm curious to know the answers too, Geoff Hall.

Tom Lapke

There is definitely more to this story that is not yet being told.

Amanda Toney

So many questions.

Renee Lohoue

I wonder why he left 5 days before the beginning of the production! Clearly, things weren't going in the right direction for a while! I would like to know more.

Geoff Hall

Sam Sokolow I read this morning that it means a whole crew is now out of work and that stakeholders need to be paid. it sounds like really difficult times for the production company. I’m not sure what MK2 think of it, as the distributor.

Willem Elzenga

Its kind a crazy you spend millions and you haven't even contracted your main guy properly 5 days before principel shooting.

Xochi Blymyer

Any more news on this?

Sam Sokolow

Xochi Blymyer - looks like it's heading toward legal action. Producers are making their voices heard.

Geoff Hall

Sam Sokolow Hmmh, the ‘declined to comment’ element makes me think that legal action is pending.

Also, this stood out for me: “Phoenix once told 60 Minutes’ Anderson Cooper, he’s usually “petrified” when he takes on a role and before he shoots, he’s “nervous” that he won’t be able to “find the right kind of place to express” his ideas.”

Does that infer something of a problem for the director/actor relationship in this film?

Geoff Harris

Of course he should be sued for the losses unless as someone mentioned there was insurance to cover such things but even so. Will he get hired again by anyone, will insurance cover another project? It's quite understandable that he may get very nervous before starting a project, some actors are very intense and introspective at times, it can be crippling. Stage fright is not uncommon with a lot of actors. I guess something just told him not to go there, pity it was so close.

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