Financing / Crowdfunding : Creative Ways to Raise Money by Tom Lapke

Tom Lapke

Creative Ways to Raise Money

There is a Broadway producer named Ken Davenport who is always innovating the industry. he famously got licensed by the SEC so that he could sell "shares" in his production of Godspell. It was the first time everyday people could invest in a show for very little money instead of the usually large sums. So my question you all is this: What are some of the most creative ways you have (or have seen someone else ) raised money for your project?

Willem Elzenga

I have heard of filmmakers taking a second mortgage on their house in order to complete feature films. Not sure how creative that is, but you need to believe in your project in order to take that risk.

Leonardo Ramirez

This conversation should be interesting Tom Lapke and Willem Elzenga - I have heard of filmmakers taking a second mortgage on their home but the one time that I had that experience with a producer who did that was not a good one.

Dan MaxXx

Rodriguez volunteered to be a human tester for drugs, just to raise money for his movies.

Kevin Smith used his student loans to make movies.

Jon Kasdan asked his dad for $2M to make a feature.

Lol I met a porn star who used her talent to get free sound stage sets & equipment :)

I pawned my car & jewerly to cover payroll :(

Tom Lapke

I also was just reminded that M. Night Shamalan mortgaged his house to pay for The Visit. I have also heard of films being funded by ...being a "spicy pharmacist."

Kerry Kennard

Tom Lapke - the spicy Pharm approach seems much better than the mortgaged house. :~) ha ha join Lionsgate as a young man and learn the system sounds wise to me.

(or some other of the big name Film companies)

Geoff Hall

I find begging on street corners helps…well, a little!

Sam Sokolow

When we were trying to make our first indie film back in '97, before emailing lots of attachments was possible, I needed 100 Xerox copies of our script, 100 copies of our business plan and 100 VHS dubs of our DP's reel to make physical packages to send out to potential investors. I socialized my way into the mail room at a big ad agency through a high school friend and struck a deal with the guy who ran the mail room - and the agency softball team in the ad league. I played 3rd base as an "intern" on the team and got all of my packages made, which I sent to 100 people I thought might support us with a deeply personal note... we raised enough money to get started. Not enough to finish the movie - it was a non-stop hustle - but it got us started. And the team lost by a few less runs than normal in my tenure at the hot corner, which was a great athletic achievement as well. Indie films always have to find a way.

Jack Binder

One key to finding investors is to focus on the content of the film, and whom would appreciate it getting made. Follow the story...

Kerry Kennard

Jack Binder - sounds right. It’ seems same for music projects also -> focus on the music, then the funding for it.

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