Success Stories: SEP'26 Script Analysis: Battlefield of Angels

Daniel Reed-Tracy

Script Analysis: Battlefield of Angels

Good morning all! It's been a while since I've been on Stage 32 due to writing, writing, and writing, and of course work in between. I recently had my screenplay analyzed and was very pleased with the positive feeback, as well as having a Consider, and then a Recommend from execs. here on Stage 32. This gave me a thourough breakdown of my script, but based on this information I'm wondering where do I go from here? It appears at times to be a frustrating task to keep presenting your screenplay and researching for the right person to speak to that can guide you in the right direction of contacting people. Needless to say, I've nearly complted my Romantic Comedy, and Suspense Thriller, but I feeling like I'm going back to the drawing board...if that makes sense. Currently "Battlefield of Angels" have made through two phases of an Indie Film Fest Competetion, waiting results this month. Please tak a look at this breakdown analysis and your professional opinions would great be appreciated of where to go from here. Thanks again for listening and have a splendid day. :)

Maurice Vaughan

Good afternoon and welcome back, Daniel Reed-Tracy. Congratulations on the success with "Battlefield of Angels"!

I say keep pitching through the Pitch Sessions (it's more practice and it could lead to a script request, option, etc.), pitch through phone calls and email, network on Stage 32, and network in person (Stage 32 has in-person Meetups -

Kim Hornsby wrote a success story blog you might be interested in reading:

Daniel Reed-Tracy

Thank you very much, Maurice. I will keep looking for pitch sessions and see what happens. Great advice and deeply appreciated.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Daniel Reed-Tracy. I hope you get script requests, option/sell your script, and more!

Giovanna Silvestre

I love hearing this! Congrats Daniel Reed-Tracy .

Daniel Reed-Tracy

Thank you, Giovanna. I appreciate that. :)

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