Introduce Yourself : Hollywood Screenwriter and Script Consultant by Mike Thompson

Mike Thompson

Hollywood Screenwriter and Script Consultant

Greetings! Allow me to introduce myself -- my name's Mike Thompson, Hollywood writer/producer of feature films, Dragonfly, starring Kevin Costner, and Love Happens, featuring Jennifer Aniston. I also co-created the FOX television series, John Doe, and have written and produced indie film and award-winning documentary features as well. In addition to my produced credits, I've written and sold dozens of high-profile spec scripts, pitches and teleplays to nearly every major Hollywood studio, including multiple seven-figure deals and at one point, the “highest-paying scripter deal ever" ~ Variety. I've collaborated on projects involving the likes of Tom Cruise, Denzel Washington, Johnny Depp, George Clooney, Will Smith, Edie Falco, Chris Pine, Richard Gere, Michael Keaton, Academy Award-winning director Robert Zemeckis, and blockbuster producer Jerry Bruckheimer.

I also provide Script Consulting, Screenwriting Coaching, and Pitching & Representation services to screenwriters of all stripes and stages of experience. And as I'm always looking to meet like-minded folks who've been bit by the screenwriting bug, I figured Stage 32 would be great place to say hello.

I look forward to meeting all of you and starting a conversation!


Nick Eff (Mandlamadi)

Welcome. And enjoy.

Mike Thompson

Thank you, Nick!

Billy Kwack

Hi Mike, do you think a screenwriting book is helpful?

Kat Spencer

Nice to meet you Mike Thompson!

Lucy Addams

Nice to meet you. It's great to have you here!

Pat Savage

Welcome to our vast Stage32 international family of creatives! Happy networking!

Yonique Claassen

Nice to meer you Michael.

Sandra Isabel Correia

Hi Mike Thompson, it’s so nice to meet you! You are in the perfect place! You have an amazing career and accomplishments! I am a screenwriter and executive from Lisbon, Portugal! What you would love to accomplish that you don’t have yet?

Walder Martinez

It's great to meet you here, Mike.

Mike McDonald

Hi Mike. From my perspective, being an unknown has presented the challenges. My dad died last year, and I began writing as a result of that (I was military and then police for 26 years). And I found I had an ability to come up with sudden, original ideas several times a day and in seconds, like flashes in my head. They would just pop into my brain randomly. Then I began dreaming the concepts, and have to keep a notebook next to my bed. I now have 67 fully fleshed out franchises ready to go, but because I'm not linked to the industry, nobody will even look at my work. It's a closed shop unless you know someone. It's a shame that there's some real talent out there that will never see the light of day, and far less talented people having their work greenlit. And it seems the industry is risk adverse and tries to flog old tired franchises to within an inch of their lives, but I'm sure the public are ready for new, fresh ones with the same, if not better viewability and fan bases. We have to move with the times.

Mike Thompson

Billy Kwack I've personally found William Goldman's Adventures in the Screen Trade and, of course, Blake Snyder's Save the Cat to be inspiring and/or useful reads

Mike Thompson

Kat Spencer Nice to meet you as well!

Mike Thompson

Lucy Addams Likewise -- thanks for the welcome!

Mike Thompson

Pat Savage thank you, sir!

Mike Thompson

Yonique Claassen nice to meet you as well!

Mike Thompson

Sandra Isabel Correia thank you for the very kind words. I suppose i'm still aiming to one day have a finished product turn out exactly as it was intended on the page :)

Mike Thompson

Walder Martinez great to meet you, too!

Mike Thompson

Mike McDonald sorry to her about your father. stay inspired!

Billy Kwack

Thanks Mike, I'll look for those

Sandra Isabel Correia

Ah! There you go! It’s your biggest challenge also :)) And I believe you can achieve it! You are welcome Mike Thompson

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