Screenwriting : Nicholl Fellowship by Lori Romero

Lori Romero

Nicholl Fellowship

My screenplay Consider Icarus advanced into the Quarterfinal Round in the Nicholl Fellowship!! Out of a record 7,197 screenplays, 368 advanced!! Anyone else?

Philip Sedgwick

Fantastic! That is so exciting. Holding good thoughts for you and Arlaine as the fellowship moves down the road.

Sandra Campbell


LB McGill


Philip Sedgwick

And moving your way through Creative World Awards, too!

John Rogers

Very cool! Congrats Lori! I hope you go all the way!

Pierre Langenegger

Wow, that is fantastic news, Lori. Well done.

Arlaine Rockey

Congratulations! I'm impressed!!

Autumn Burgess

that"s awesome...

Lori Romero

TY all for the notes! Really appreciate that!

Lori Romero

Congratulations, Robert!! I think they are announced at the end of August. Fingers crossed for both of us!

Robert J Gilman

Congrats - best to you.

Rob Moore

Congratulations Lori and wishing you all the best...

Wayne Taylor

Jeff Belkin ( manager / producer at Zero Gravity Management ) is looking for Nicholl Quarterfinalists for 2012.

Lori Romero

Yes, thank you, Wayne!

Richard "RB" Botto

Excellent news for Lori and Robert. I also know Jeff quite well. He's a great guy and very receptive to new writers. Good luck guys!

Lori Romero

Thank you, Richard!

MJ Brewer

Congrats to you! I'm not up with you yet, but feel confident we'll see each other soon!

Stacey Chehardy


Babz Bitela, President


Lori Romero

Congratulations to you, Bix! Yes, I've had about the same (one recently). Hopefully, our scripts will click for someone!

Kamala Lane

Congrats y'all. That's super exciting.

Lori Romero

Yes it was - I sent my screenplay to them...

Lori Romero

I'll check your loglines and synopsis out! I actually made it to semifinalist in Final Draft's Big Break Contest (and quarterfinalist in Cynosure), but got nada out of either one (which was really surprising to me!). The Nicholl is really the way to go for industry interest...

Lori Romero

I did see the one with Sage 32 and Austin - am thinking about that one...

Ed Stahr

Nice work.

Richard "RB" Botto

Lori and Bix...Great news. If you speak with Nikolas over at Voltage, please give him my best.

Richard "RB" Botto

Table Read is an excellent contest. On the rise. The move to Austin, in my opinion, is fantastic. Better than the previous Sundance location simply due to the fact that Austin is a screenwriter-centric festival. I also definitely recommend Creative World Awards. Simply one of the best run out there. Feedback on all scripts. Bix - You can't go wrong with the Page either. Their judges (especially those handling the later rounds) have a world of experience.

Lori Romero

Thanks for the info, Richard!! I'm really thinking about Table Read because I went to a screenwriting event in Austin and loved it. Did enter CWA, so fingers crossed!! Will say hey to Nikolas if I get the chance!

Lori Romero

Also, Richard - I wanted to tell you have much I'm loving Stage 32 - I've been meeting some great, seriously talented people here (which is REALLY hard to do on most sites)! I think this is going to be a great year and I can't wait! Lori

Richard "RB" Botto

Thank you so very much, Lori! I can't tell you how much I appreciate the support. The entire community, with very few exceptions, is overwhelmingly positive and focused. Simply thrilling to see so many people find success through contacts they've made through the site. Wishing you the very best of luck with Creative World and all your 2013 endeavors! RB

Tiffy Diamond

That's an amazing accomplishments Lori and one of the best and well respected screenwriting competitions you could be a quarterfinalist in. Sending love your way!

Pierre Langenegger

Congrats, Lori. That is such fantastic news for such a prestigious comp. All the best luck for the coming rounds.

MJ Gavin

Hey congrats albeit belated... And you dance with tornados too! Would you mind sharing a piece of the script so I could read what award winning writing looks like? Congrats again!

Lori Romero

Yeah - I'm planning on it - just haven't had time!!

Autumn Burgess

That's awesome!!!

Doug Davidson

Congrats, Lori!

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