Hey Guys!! I have a concept for a reality show that I would like to pitch and host. I already registered the synopsis, log line, episode break down (etc.) with the Writer's Guild, but I was wondering if anyone had any advice as to how I would go about getting meetings to pitch my idea to production companies. Any guidance and advice would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you so much! Stay safe and fabulous!!
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My buddy did a similar thing. You want to shoot a sizzle reel for it.
Yeah that 's what I thought. Thanks Ray! Did your friend send out the sizzle reel to try to get meetings????
Yes ma'am!
That makes sense. Thanks!!
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Sizzle it up. Try and keep it under 5 min. You want to give them a taste and wanting more.
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Most definitely! Thanks Patrick!
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If you ever do scripted. Do a trailer. Here is an example YouTube.com/theriseofkings
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Good luck to you Jasmine! : )
Thank you so much Deidre!!
There is also a meeting in LA in January where writers can meet with producers to pitch show ideas.
Thanks Keith. I know that there are a lot of pitch summits in LA. I don't live in LA, but my uncle does and I was thinking about getting him to pitch my show for me. I recently finished my sizzle reel and I want to send it out to production companies. But I am trying to do research and send it to an address that doesn't just throw It I. The trash. Lol.