Introduce Yourself : Writer-Director/Producer/Editor in New Orleans by Randy Mack

Randy Mack

Writer-Director/Producer/Editor in New Orleans

Hello from the Big Easy… I'm a writer-director, producer, and editor of dark comedies. I've made two features, BURNING ANNIE and FUNHOUSE MIRROR, several shorts, and lots of music videos. I'm currently writing LAUNDRY DAY, a non-linear crime drama that I want to shoot in New Orleans next spring. Looking for producers, as I believe directing and producing should be done by different people, and for collaborators in the area.

Heidi Angell

Do you by chance know Armando Leduc? He's based out of New Orleans (last I heard) and is a part of Sketchy Characters Productions.

Randy Mack

I know of him. He's doing a webseries called Bourbon Whiz that a few of my friends are working on.

Heidi Angell

Small world! I was in Grease with him back in 2000. Good times!

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