Writer-Director (sometimes Producer, Editor) of independent feature films. Born in Brazil, based in New Orleans. Former story analyst for George Clooney & Steven Soderbergh's Section Eight, the Academy's Nicholl Fellowship, Lawrence Mark Productions, Winter Films, and Pierce Brosnan's Irish Dreamtime. Features: BURNING ANNIE, ONE WEEK TO BILL'S THING, LAUNDRY DAY, DRINKING MUSIC.
Time & Motion Budget: $10M - $30M | Sci-fi ⋄ Action A disgruntled engineer ends up on the run with a TV science celebrity after surviving an attack on their university by commandos.Which invention are they after, his time machine or her teleporter...? And why?
Laundry Day Comedy ⋄ Crime ⋄ Drama A bar fight, as seen through the perspectives of the four people in it: a street artist, a drug dealer, the bartender, and the singer in the band. PRODUCED. RELEASED 7/21www.LaundryDayFilm.com
Drinking Music Comedy ⋄ Drama ⋄ Film-noir A musician tries to find the woman who ran off with his money on one fateful night on Frenchmen Street.
Planet of Ass Budget: $5M - $10M | Comedy ⋄ Drama A struggling musician in the throes of a quarter-life crisis has his world up-ended when his best friend steals his new rock band.