I have 395 Stage 32er's in my network. Of the 395, "14" Stage 32er's are attached to my upcoming feature. Of the 381 left, only TWO, "2", of them have made an effort to help me spread the word about our indiegogo campaign. One of them actually donated to our campaign. Thank you for your support! My question is this: What's the purpose of sending blind network requests, or adding people to your network if you aren't there to support them? I am not asking anyone for money, but what I am asking is that the people in my network help to spread the word about our campaign. As I have done for others. As filmmakers, we all have to support each other and help each other. If the remaining 381 in my network shared our campaign, the reach could be Monumental. At least stop by and check out the campaign. We are doing something SO different and exciting, that if you believe in the project, PLEASE SHARE! Aside from actively seeking out Stage 32er's to attach to the movie, I am also attaching Veterans as Cast and Crew! As a Veteran myself, it only makes sense. It's only 2 clicks people, click the link, and click share.... Less than 10 seconds of your lives! Okay, I'm done venting! If you'd like to check out our campaign, here is the link: www.indiegogo.com/crossfiremovie
No one said "make" anyone do anything. I have shared numerous projects for people, whether I like or dislike them. Just because I may not like them, doesn't mean my friends or anyone else won't.
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Dude I tried to contribe I think I did but the mainpage keeps coming up after I push contribe and I'm affraid that if I keep hitting contribe I'll keep giving ???? Hope it worked
Hey Mark, thanks for the support!
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Ray I will post your link inside my Facebook group buddy! Hope you get some support from the New Hollywood group I post inside FACEBOOK.. You rock! warmly, Zoom.
Thanks Zoom! We appreciate the support!
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Thanks RJ and Emme! I appreciate the support!
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Done as well...
Thanks Kelly!
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You are very welcome - And I sincerely wish you best regards and success with your production. Take care Ray.
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Although I cannot contribute, I will link to your campaign and share with others. Good luck to you! Also, I'm the same way. I will broadcast campaigns and even donate myself. For years! All in all, I've gotten a total of about 2 people who have returned the favor. I just don't expect the same service that I give in return. It just doesn't seem to happen. It's sad, but that's the way I see it.
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Yes, I can't contribute either as I have my own campaign to get out there. And yes, I'm sure it's frustrating, but please keep in mind that everyone is terribly busy with their own projects and lives. This site is only one of ten (?) sites (plus email) that I deal with ever day. I don't have the time to be trolling here often. So the fact that you have so many who have responded is a good thing. That's a hell of a lot more than I have on My Team at this point. Put it out there, let your (already on board) peeps do their thing, and just continue to do what you're doing. Not everyone is going to resonate with every one else's projects. Be grateful for those that do.
Robin, I understand about the financially aspect, if we had money, we wouldn't be trying Kickstarter or Indiegogo campaigns. I just need some help spreading the word. Thank you Amanda, I appreciate the support!
Robin could you list some of the other sites you go to tnx mark
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Just share the link after watching it. Unfortunately I'm very low on funds, as I am looking for my first script to sell, but I will try and help as much as possible. Good luck.
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FB DONE! TWEET DONE! And I'm not even in your network. Good luck Ray. Keep up the great work.
Thanks Daniel and Chuck! I really appreciate the support!
This is a valid point. BUT... remember, we help each other, not just one way. Perhaps we don't see how others benefit us, but the question is, what have we done for others? That goes for each and every one of us: so - what have you done for someone else today?
Good point Andrew! Let's see; today I edited a paper for a friend's college class. I shared 2 other crowdfunding campaigns, donated to another, and shared some links to a fellow screenwriter... Oh, and wished a Happy Birthday to a good friend of mine!
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This topic has been something that I've been thinking a lot about, Ray. I think we both share similar views, and in addition to the issue of contributing to campaigns, I feel another is the simple notion of conversation. A network request ought to stimulate engagement between two people. I've always been glad when you would comment on an article or personal post on my wall, and that's what I refer to by engagement. Also, we all do have our busy schedules, but a tweet doesn't even take a minute to do! Further, if we have our own campaigns, we are hurting ourselves by not contributing to others: you have to give in order to receive. I myself am at a point where I need to raise final funds for The Gift in order to finish it (Kickstarter and such will be a last resort for me), and I can tell you, as a graduate student, I am not at all wealthy but have contributed to campaigns with what I am able to provide. I'm glad to have contributed to your campaign, Ray, and to spread word about it and will continue to do so as it winds down--just keep in mind, the beginning and end are always the exciting parts, the middle can be slow so don't fret!
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Ray I have little doubt you will be successful... your sincere desire to make a film comes through loud and clear.
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Ray I clicked on your video and see nothing but pure talent and ambition. An ability for members to view other member's projects via their wall would be a nice Stage32 feature. Project updates and donation capabilities would be helpful as well. In any case keep us posted on Crossfire and your progress.
Thanks Michelle! I appreciate the support! Edwin, I'm glad that someone understands where I'm coming from. As a Veteran, I only get a small check monthly, thankfully my wife supports my passion and desire of filmmaking. I haven't sent many network requests, but on the ones that I have, I sent a message first, introducing myself, in order to build a network that actually has people who truly do support you. I actually go through and connect with people. I am constantly scouring the lounge and adding any info I can. Robert, I know we may not see eye to eye on many things, but I do value your knowledge and opinion. I believe that we can all learn from each other, and share that knowledge. You have done that, and I appreciate it. Thank you for your kind words, it truly means a lot!
Thanks Chuck! I appreciate the support! I know we all can't afford to donate to everyone's campaigns, and that's totally understandable, but it takes seconds to share! Sometimes that pays off more in the end! Either way, whether we reach our goal or not, we will release the movie for free!
What's the running time? Check me out on FB and I'll see how I can help.
Mike, the script is currently at 119 pages.
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Shared it on my page and my 900+ theatre club. And I'll pass the word around. Get it done. Would have done it sooner if I would have known about it.
Thanks for the support Mike! I appreciate it!
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Hey Ray! I've been kind of thinking similar things about the community. I get swamped with requests that, when I accept them, just kind of sit there. Admittedly, I've been pretty absent on S32 lately, myself. I want to get back to it by first sharing the word about your film. Lately, I've been really drawn to pieces of film and theatre that reach out to soldiers and veterans and also educate civilians about their experiences. (Check out the National Theatre of Scotland's "Black Watch") I'd love to help share and spread the word!
Thanks Elise for your support! We really appreciate it! Aside from myself, we do have 3 other Veterans attached so far to this project!