Founder & CEO MERLINI films
Judge for the 2013 International Emmy® Awards competition.
Life (past)
ex-reporter, ex-international correspondent, ex-specials producer, ex-Emmy award, ex-latin America pan regional channel executive production consultant, ex-documentarist, ex-magi, ex-shaman, ex-ex
W A T E R Mystery ⋄ Sci-fi ⋄ Thriller On the brink of and end -of-time cataclysm and besieged by dark powerful forces, a man at the edge of elightment attempts to save humanity by helping them make a transcendent leap in evolution.
by 1,2,3
ex-reporter, ex-international correspondent, ex-specials producer, ex-Emmy award, ex-latin America pan regional channel executive production consultant, ex-documentarist, ex-magi, ex-shaman, ex-ex
Emmy ® Award - Miami
LAMA 2012 - Los Angeles Movie Awards - Winers-Scripts - Honorable Mention for WATER original screenplay
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