Success Stories: DEC'15 Ratings on my Hallmark movie.

Bob Saenz

Ratings on my Hallmark movie.

Yes, this is a brag on myself, but wow, I am stunned by what has taken place over the last few days. The Hallmark Christmas film I wrote, "Help for the Holidays" starring Summer Glau, premiered Sunday and the ratings were beyond what I could have possibly hoped for. The Number One original Hallmark film of 2012 so far and the Number 10 Hallmark original film of all time. And they told me they're going into production on another one of my scripts in January. Thank you God.

Janet Scott

Well done Bob!... Congratulations all the way.

Kristen Tinsley


Debbie Elicksen

Congratulations. It is essential that you pat yourself on the back.

Julian Nabunya

Bob , whynot to brag ? , if what you did is hitting this planet , i wish you the best of luck , Merry Xmas if you believe in Jesus Christ and happy new year .

Denise Cruz-Castino

OMG that's awesome! Big congrats! You must be thrilled! Glad you could share it with us!

Liam Lionheart


Will Murphy

Congratulations! About as good as a Christmas present any of us can hope for!

Bob Saenz

Thank you all. Yes, I do have all the detailed information. The production company sent it to me as soon as they got it. I'm very happy.

Kareena Cruse

Congratulations! And I think it's GREAT you are "bragging". Success stories are always GREAT to hear!!!

Bryan Mcclure

That's really awesome Bob!

Michael Savage Aka Sirtony Member Of Marquis Who's Who In America

Perfect timing...for you and your family...this is a very Merry Xmas for you...blessings...and on the second film as well...many blessings...always Michael Savage aka Sirtony

Lianne K. Coleman

This is SO awesome, you made it, now keep going, this is only the beginning. Your story inspires all of us here. When one of us succeeds we all succeed and when one of us falls, we will be there to pick you up, dust you off and tell you it's OK, but get back on the horse and never stop trying. BRAVO to a job well done. Happy Holidays to you and yours!!!! You made us proud.

Laura Tabor-Huerta

YEAH! Congrats!

Wayne Smith Jr

I liked it, Bob. I watch Hallmark all of the time, so I'm always looking at the new stuff they put on. Great job.

Lianne K. Coleman

I got to see Help for the Holidays on Christmas Eve and I want to thank you. It was a bright, fresh perspective on Christmas. The story was simple, yet had a much deeper meaning. I loved it. Keep up the good work, you made me proud to even be remotely acquainted with you. But then we are all in this together, right? Have a wonderful New Year.

Bob Saenz

Lianne... thank you. I appreciate your words and I'm happy you liked the film. I'm doing two more for them in 2013, one going into production in February and I have a feature going in the spring. It's been an amazing year and shows no slowing down. Thank you God.

Wayne G Sweat

Thank you for your inspiration Bob.

Bob Saenz

You are welcome Wayne...

Bob Saenz

Sabrina... no, not that I know of. I'm working for them again now on two other projects and I will ask. I do have a GREAT idea for another Christmas film though :)

Bryan Mcclure

I see this is a very old post, but I LOVE Christmas films! If anyone is trying to get another going. I'd love to be a part of something!

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