Filmmaking / Directing : Film by Marcelo Grion

Marcelo Grion

Film GOING to SUNDANCE Film Festival to promote my film! I hope to meet you there

Ginger Liu

Rock n' Roll Marcelo!

Nichole Freeman

Good luck! wish i cld go!

Mimmi Marie

Good luuuck!

Marcelo Grion

Thank you guys for your support !!!!!!

Janet Hetherington

All the best at Sundance!

Bruno Xavier

Go get em mate. Good Luck.

Marcelo Grion

Thank you!!! Thank you !!!

Justin Kapr

You made Prototype!? Whoa. I already have you listed as one of my must-see movies of 2013.

Mehdi Naderi

Congratulation Marcelo hope to watch it on Iran or anywhere around the world .

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