Introduce Yourself : Ripple - a Dolphin Love Story by Tui Allen

Tui Allen

Ripple - a Dolphin Love Story

Hello, I'm a novelist. I've written "RIPPLE," the twenty million year old story of how one dolphin was inspired by love to an intellectual achievement that changed the universe. Ripple is Visionary and Metaphysical Fiction and also belongs firmly in the mind/body/spirit genre. The book is now contracted for translation for traditional print publication in Central Europe. The print version of this unique New Zealand book was selected by the NZ Society of Authors to represent it at the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2012, NZ's year as "Country of Honour" at the fair. Ripple is already attracting critical acclaim from reviewers around the world and is often favourably compared to Jonathan Livingston Seagull. I am told over and over again, often by complete strangers, that the story would make an excellent animated musical movie. Ripple - the story taking the world by storm.

Richard Houpert

I actually have a Union brother in Honolulu named Tui as well, never thought I'd meet another...

Tui Allen

In my family at certain family gatherings, if you yell "Tui, come here!" about 3 -4 of us come running in. There's one in every generation of every branch of the family.

Richard Houpert

My friend's family is Samoan, and he shares the name with an uncle and several cousins as well...

Richard Houpert

Tiu Scanlon is his full name, and he is also a prize winning "slam poet" who has made me cry, and laugh until I was very near peeing myself in public...

Tui Allen

I knew the name is common throughout Pacific island nations, beyond New Zealand. I just found another person on S32 with the name. He's a male New Zealander and involved in the film world in Auckland which is a city a couple of hours drive north of here.I just sent him a network request.

Richard Houpert

So, you're a Kiwi?

Tui Allen

Yes, I'm a kiwi.

Richard Houpert

I speak a little Aussie - a cousin-in-law taught me, never got to New Zealand, as my college didn't start its exchange program with (I think) Queen's College until two decades after I graduated.

Tui Allen

Well I have two spare bedrooms if you ever make it this far. I live in the wilds of the Waikato region which has many links to Middle-Earth.

Ellen Schoeters

Oh wauw that sounds really like a great story! I studied linguistics and translation (English -Dutch) If you'd like to have it translated into Dutch .... I'm really interested in the topic :) Best of luck Love Ellen

Richard Houpert

My wife and I will be in Bhutan next year - she will be administering a program from her College there spring semester, but the flights go through Japan and Thailand, so I'll have to wait a bit...

Tui Allen

Thanks for showing interest in the story Ellen. I'd love to have it translated into Dutch one day. But I need to sell the rights to a Dutch publisher first. It is to translated first into Czech and Slovak. If it does well in those languages it could encourage other European language publishers to follow suit.

Ellen Schoeters

Hi Tui, Wauw that is great news for you that it's being translated into Czech and Slovak. Hope to stay in touch! Wish you all the best Love Ellen

Richard Houpert

If you need French, German, Spanish or Russian, let me know, my wife is fluent..., Latin and Ancient Greek too.

Ellen Schoeters

Wauw, that's really amazing that she knows so many languages!

Richard Houpert

Born in France, went to Caracas and Bogota as a child - her father was a field engineer/geologist for Royal Dutch Shell, then to Hamburg with her step father, who was then sent to NYC with Deutsche Grammaphone in the sixties..., met her at Yale where she got her PhD in Slavics while I was getting tossed out of the Drama School...

Tui Allen

Between the two of you on this thread we must have most of the world's languages covered! :) I deeply admire people who can speak more than one language. I tried to learn German last year prior to my trip to Frankfurt Book Fair. It was so difficult and I did not do well at all. Perhaps I am too old. Hardly used it in Germany - the Germans were all so terrific at speaking English. I felt ashamed of myself. I tried a few times but they always knew it was hard for me and just spoke in English to save me the bother. It was the first time I'd ever been north of the equator in my life.

Richard Houpert

In my limited experience - I used to be fluent in French, I'd have to go back there for a year to regain the language, total immersion for at least six months is the only way, unless you start teaching children from birth, the way my wife learned. After you speak three, it is easier and easier to learn more. She started Russian in Lycée, because they wouldn't let her take either German or Spanish, which she already knew, or English, because it was the Lycee Francais de New York, she went on tp M.A.s in Russian Political Studies, then Lit., then the language, and her PhD was in Russian Linguistics and Poetry. She can also get by in Norwegian, Italian, Thai, and can stumble through several other other Slavic languages..., use makes master.

Tui Allen

Amazing! Russian poetry! What a thought. She might be able to read my book in the Czech and Slovak translations that will be appearing soon. They're giving me a whole bunch of copies. Lot of use they'll be but nice to have all the same. Make good gifts to all my non-existent Czechoslovakian friends. Don't think I've ever even met one single Czechoslovakian person. We're very parochial down here in NZ. That's why we're so selfishly and arrogantly mono-lingual.

Richard Houpert

She's better with Polish and Bulgarian...

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