Screenwriting : Great American PitchFest - Roll Call by Richard "RB" Botto

Richard "RB" Botto

Great American PitchFest - Roll Call

So who will be attending the GAPF this coming weekend? I'm speaking on Saturday...Looking forward to meeting many 32'ers face to face! RB

Wendy Moore

I'll be there from Thursday-Sunday. I'm dragging one of my writing partners along, too.

Richard "RB" Botto

Looking forward to seeing you, Wendy!

Patrick "pH" Hampton

I will be there pitching a few projects. Coming from Canada!

Laura Koons

I'll be there. Very interesting schedule this year. GAPF mixed things up a bit. Looking forward to it.

Wendy Moore

We should have a Stage 32 get together some evening...

James Holzrichter

Wish I could be there!! :)

Kimberly Perdue-Sims

WOW! Wish I could be there! Awesome!

Richard "RB" Botto

We'll get the 32'ers together, Wendy...No doubt.

Patrick John Thies

This will be my first time to GAPF! I'm excited and looking forward to the panels!

Lynn Dickinson

I'll be there! Looking forward to it. (Come see me in the Pitchfest Lounge.)

Marcus Hanftaler

I´ll be there all three days pitching three of my projects. Don´t forget the Friday Night Social. It´s the best time to get connected.

Anna Sahlstrom

Is this in LA?

Wendy Moore

Yep, Anna. The Marriott in Burbank. Check it out at

Richard "RB" Botto

Really looking forward to seeing you all...I'll be at the Social tomorrow night...And I'm speaking on Saturday around 1PM...

Wendy Moore

Just checked into the Marriott. So excited to finally be in CA!

Laura Koons

Jealous! Wish I was checked in too. Currently waiting in the United Club until I can board my flight...

Richard "RB" Botto

Have a cocktail and relax, Laura...Almost there.

Richard "RB" Botto

Deleted and banned. Appreciate all those who gave me the heads up!

I-Esha Henderson

I pitched yesterday!! 11 out of 13 request!!

Chris Lilly

I met you and signed up!

Richard "RB" Botto

I-Esha - Congratulations, my friend. Pretty impressive!

Richard "RB" Botto

Chris! Great to see you, brother. Thanks for joining the community. Enjoyed our talk...Think you'll find the water here warm (for all the right reasons)...

Patrick "pH" Hampton

Everyone that was at the GAPF how did you do? Remember its a hard road and a uphill battle trying to get your work seen! I had over 15 requests and 2 hard copies taken!

I-Esha Henderson

The hardest part is to not give up and keep following up with the companies. Just because they don't reply back I always send a reminder email next week. Some even said "keep bugging me." So maybe it's a test of dedication also.

Richard "RB" Botto

Following up is part of the bargain...And part of every screenwriter's job. Gotta be regimented and persistent - without being overbearing, of course.

Karyn Folan

I was there, too! Got six requests out of about 15 pitches. Long lines kept me from doing more. Sorry i didn't meet any of you. Next time!

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