Anything Goes : Movie Trailer by Darrin Smith

Darrin Smith

Movie Trailer

Years ago when I was really poor I didn't have a good camera, but I loved making movies. So my twin brother and I had my mom sew us some costumes we designed, got some friends involved, then spent thanksgiving weekend in the middle of an abandoned quarry from the 1930's located on a mile long hike in the middle of thick woods. Don't ask me how we found this place. There were no roads that led to it either. It was the perfect place that looked like an ancient temple which fit perfectly for our story.... our Star Wars Fan Film. Thought I would share the trailer... keep in mind, our camera pretty much sucked, but the Visual Effects I did I think are pretty cool. :-p Also, the film has never been finished. We needed some pickup shots to finish it, but some people we needed dropped out, moved away, and just lost interest. Anyway, here it is.

Brandon Oliver Jones


Darrin Smith

Thanks. It's from like 2006, really old, and to me it's a little funny. I am the one dressed in black, the Sith Lord. It was fun to make and I learned a lot.

Sandra L. Bucy

That's pretty darn good!

Darrin Smith

Thank You Sandra! Wow! I haven't gotten feedback on this thing yet. I am ssooo critical of my own work so it makes me nervous to even post this video. Haha! Thanks!

Sandra L. Bucy

I'm the same way. The trailer for Girlfriend Lies will be out soon, and I am nervous as all get-out. A short I wrote (Hecate) that was produced in Denver is showing at the Denver Comic Con tonight, and I am nervous about that, too. That's the tough part of writing/making movies - you open yourself up to big love, and to the critics. Thankfully I've received more love than pans, though.

Darrin Smith

Totally Sandra! Let me know how it goes! Thanks!

Dale Adrian

That was pretty good Darrin

Bart Willard

Me like!

Chris Lilly

looks really good!

Peggy Fields Richardson!

Love it! Great job...

Johanna Marshall

Loved it!!!! great choreography moves..........loved the setting, & the music was perrr-fect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Be proud!!!!!

Marcus Thomas

Great vision!

Shondra Marie

I liked it!

Denise Treadwell


Goran Banyai

Great beginnings Darrin. Keep up the good work.

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