With a lack of financial funding to hire professionals for editing, and a graphic designer to create an eye-catching book cover, he embarked on a literary journey relying on his God-given writing talents alone, determined to accomplish what he always started, but never seemed to finished. “Knight of Deception,” his first self-published novel, had been in project status a decade too long, so this time around he was determined to complete it and make it available for the public. Unlike those first unsuccessful attempts he was armed with clear direction after searching and finding on the internet, one simple suggestion, posted by an anonymous writer that resonated and made perfect sense–Every story had a beginning, a middle, and an end. It was a simplistic formula that helped him organize his literary thoughts, and once he had it thoroughly digested, he was able to organize his thoughts, and develop an interesting storyline that would keep him captivated throughout the creative process. His ambition finally had the perfect outline, and he followed the path without straying one single step. It was a formula he followed five straight times in six month, and the feat caught the attention of Blog Talk Radio host, Robert Wesley Branch, who asked him why he wrote that many books in such a short period of time. He answered with one short response; inspired. At that time he had no idea why it seemed to fascinate so many people, but over time he finally understood why. With so many books you would think that enormous sales would follow, but he learned quickly that he had entered an extremely competitive marked filled with established and budding writers. Another sobering reality included the revelation of how daunting the task of promoting his product was. Technology shifted the entire literary market and leveled the playing field.. E books were now dominate and the prices for novels plummeted. Big publishers started loosing control and could no longer monopolize the market. Most of the established authors who had already established strong relationships with their readers still retained a mass following; however, with a new competitive market that offered self-publishing avenues, a new breed of writers were allowed to emerge. Pay to print was now an option, so any writer with talent and a dream now had the opportunity to self-publish and release their own work without going through all the scrutiny and rules established by publishing giants. This user-friendly venturous avenue eliminated the need for upfront money, because it offered an array of freebies that gave the self-published author basic publishing tools that allowed them to design and release a complete product. The end result for Author G D Grace reads as follows: “Knights of Deception” (First release) “Ripped & Ready“ Season 1 (Second release) “Ripped & Ready” Season 2 (Third release) “Dragged….” (Fourth release) “Ripped & Ready” Season 3 (Fifth release). “Daddy” (Release date TBD)
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Hi, do hope you have finished your book now. Some publishers have there own book cover designers so you will not have to worry about that side of it. Mary Filmer Children's Author