Introduce Yourself : Hello out there! by Jessica Rose

Jessica Rose

Hello out there!

Hi, I am Jessica Rose!! For the past 34 years, I've worked in the administrative field, raised a family, cared for my brother-in-law for 8 years ending in 2011 when he passed away and other life drama's that come our way. Currently, I work full time at a North Carolina University. I've written a couple screenplays, in the middle of my first novel and starting my first sitcom. I am also currently taking acting classes. My goals are to roll full time in the writing and acting business. I am so motivated by those of you who are already in this full time. So far, I've found it is not going to be easy, but the road to get there is absolutely AMAZING AND SO MUCH FUN! My only wish is that I had more time to write down everything that goes through my head! Love this site! Have a GREAT weekend!!

Michael R King

You are an inspiration and your life feels like a movie by itself. I would love to help you if I can.

Irene Leonardou

Glad to meet you Jessica and I wish your dream become true!!

Jessica Rose

Thanks Irene and Alex! There is so much more I have endured that I didn't write, but it will be in my novel, "What About Gary"!

Jessica Rose

Thanks Michael! I've posted some on your wall and answered some of your posts!

Michael R King

I just saw that Jessica. Let me know how publishing goes for you. My wife has a lot of frustration...I mean experience with trying to get published. We might be able to save you some grief.

Jessica Rose

Yes, definitely need information on that! I am hearing self-publishing was what a lot are doing now. Did she self-publish or with a publishing company?

Michael R King

Self publish now, but it's a long story. If you know how to private message me on this site I can call you and talk our better yet let her talk with you.

Ellen Schoeters

Hi Jessica Rose, I wish you all the luck in realising your dreams! You seem to be a very special person! Wish you a lovely weekend! xxx

Jessica Rose

Michael, yes, thank you for the offer! ill be back in touch next week. Look forward to speaking with your wife about self publishing. Ill be off line for the weekend. Have a great one!

Jessica Rose

Ellen, thank you for the comment! WELCOME TO THE USA!! So happy you have come this far! Can't wait to see you on the big screen!

Sizt Elilo

Nice to know about you Jessica. Write whenever you can, carry booklet for first hand thought entry. All the luck and best (Y)

Kira George

Hi Jessica, Great to meet you! Can't wait to read your novel and see your sitcom!

Lin Wilkes-Flores "Elle Jaye"

Nice to meet you Jesica. I use to live in Raleigh and miss it. You seem to have some of the same interests as I do except I am a much older gal. Where do you take acting classes? Do you plan to stay in NC? Let me know how it is coming along for you.

Jessica Rose

Hauzel, , I have my booklet now and starting to write! Thanks for the encouragement! I was depending too much on electronics and was not thinking back to the basics! Sometimes the simplest things are overlooked! Have a great week!

Jessica Rose

Thanks for the comment, Kira! Love your profile pic!

Jessica Rose

Linnie Jean, oh my! We are exactly on the same page! You look as though you have so much already created. We must Skype sometime! I created the one character and plan to upload more of her, but then doubt sets in. I have a nutty personality but have to be professional during the day and sometimes it is impossible! I travel to Raleigh on business a couple times a year. It is a lovely place. As far as staying in NC, because of my husband, we will name NC as home base, but plan to travel where needed as I am cast. John Casablanacs is the school where I attend. I will graduate in September. I have friends in Millington, NJ. Very interested in VoiceOver also! Nice to meet you!

Sizt Elilo

Love to do it. That's great. You are right that we often overlook simplest things which are often most important things. Thanks, have a great week too.

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