Introduce Yourself : Screenwriter, Playwriter and Poet by Janet Caulfield

Janet Caulfield

Screenwriter, Playwriter and Poet

Hi again everyone! Well, since my last Introduce Yourself post I wrote a new screenplay. It's called LOTUS OPERANDI. Here's the Logline: Put your stunt doubles on speed dial if you want to take on this one! Asian American Black Belt goes undercover for the CIA to help track down terrorists. Oh, and did I mention she’s the Lead in a Broadway Musical? About 2 months ago an Agency in Los Angeles requested a copy of my first film screenplay Curious Buddies. Haven't heard anything back yet on that one. All my scripts are posted here on Stage 32 if you want to take a look at them. I'd also like to thank all the Stage 32 members who have given me their advice, feedback and encouraged me on this journey. Thank you all. I really appreciate it!

Hugo S Rosas Rello


Janet Caulfield

Hi Hugo, Thank you very much. All the best, Janet:)

Ron Hepner

Janet, hello. This is Ron Hepner from the Okanagan Valley, Canada. We're just north of Washington State. Wow, you have a winner with a CIA inspired story. I'm a fairly new writer also of the thriller novels. Three of my projects have been accepted by a U.S. publisher. Recently we wrapped up the book cover artwork. Publication dates TBA. My stories take place in Russia and the Middle East; Vancouver, Canada; New York, Washington, D.C.; and Chicago. Our hero agent kicks butts, keeps finding trouble. Usually thriller heroes are single; my guy is married (new take on relationship as how marriage and his job conflict). Keep writing, follow your passion. Cheers, Ron. Sorry, no photo available yet.

Kit Peterson

ooooooo! You're screen play sounds very interesting!! I would want to read/see that!

Janet Caulfield

Thanks so much.Kit. You can read it here on Stage 32. It's posted along with my other screenplays. All the best to you as well! Janet:)

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