Introduce Yourself : Like Sci-Fi & Fantasy? Me too! =D by Melinda Heaney

Melinda Heaney

Like Sci-Fi & Fantasy? Me too! =D

Hello everyone. As you may have noticed from my profile my name is Melinda. I just joined Stage32 and I'm a student currently a writing/producing TV major. I just recently submitted a script to my 1st ever screenwriting contest so I'm very proud and excited about that. (It was all I could think about for the past month or so I swear.) When it comes to genre my favorites are sci-fi, fantasy, animation, and anything in between. I'm also very willing and eager to explore rather experimental genres in my scripts such as cyberpunk and steampunk. As you can imagine I'm also a huge anime fan. It is my career goal to be able to create my own animated TV series someday. Be sure to follow me on twitter if you like. =) @SciFiBlondChick Or my website works too. Thanks! ^.^

Janet Scott

Good for you lass...

Amir Athar

like to read ur script....

Gretchen Elhassani

You'll have to tell us how you do in the screenwriting competition.

Gary Gibbons

Good luck!

David Andrade

Good luck indeed! Getting it out there is the first step (or is writing it?)

Melinda Heaney

well getting the script finished certainly feels like a big step in the right direction. lol^^ not to mention the satisfaction you feel afterwards

Mary Filmer

Hi Melinda, good luck with the contest. I am sure you will do well at it. Mary Filmer Children's Author.

Janet Scott

Howdy Melinda...

R. K. Alan

I wish you well with your script. I love SciFi btw

Pedro Chaves

anime rules! welcome to the site! And goodluck at the competition.

Kendrick de Lepper

The world needs more Fantasy films :)

Janet Scott


Adam Pachter

Greetings fellow sci-fi fan! I tweet about sci-fi stuff (as well as the Red Sox and more random things) @FinalFenwayFict

Melinda Heaney

nice. just followed you guys. always nice to meet a fellow sci-fi fans =)

Debbie Elicksen

I, too, have followed you on Twitter (@bookpublish101). Just a little fan of the genre (yea) -- named my cats Luke and Leia. Before them, had Romulan and Klingon, and a rabbit named Jabba the Hutch.

Analiese Anderson

good luck with the contest!

Eric Raphael Harman

Good Luck! Hang in there!

Pat Savage

Welcome to stage 32! Great to have you here!! Good luck with the contest!

Diane Knaus

Glad to have you here Melinda.

Pierre Langenegger

Welcome aboard, Melinda and good luck in the contest. Which one is it?

Mary Filmer

Hi Melinda, how did you go in the contest? Mary Filmer Children's Author

Courtney Lynch

Hi Melinda good luck in the contest

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