Hello. I write and create art - a lot. In a few weeks, I will publish my 3rd book - Quantum Orgasm: Celebration of Woman in the Sexual Freedom of Self. My work helps people find their center and live from there. Each of my screenplays are thought-provoking and made to entertain on many levels - ranging from fun to mind-twisting. Currently, I'm on the search for a film industry agent to market that part of my life while I write - and write some more. There are two film series, television mini-series and more screenplays impatiently waiting to be expressed. In the evolution of my life, I'm not too far from my dream of writing fiction novels and screenplays as my only focus. It's just a matter of connection :)
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Thanks for sharing, Ruth!
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Thank you for beginning this forum. I think there were only a few thousand when I joined. Look at it now!
It's been an amazing ride, Ruth. That's for sure. Thanks for being one of our earliest members and for contributing all this time!
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Hello Ruth.... Nice to meet you...