Just a curiosity. When I write, it's usually longhand, and when I do so, it's done to some sort of instrumental music. Music with words is too distracting. When I edit, it doesn't really matter. So when you write... Is it with music or in silence?
Just a curiosity. When I write, it's usually longhand, and when I do so, it's done to some sort of instrumental music. Music with words is too distracting. When I edit, it doesn't really matter. So when you write... Is it with music or in silence?
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Silence is a must for concentration.
Wordless music or silence.
Music, most of the time, but not always. Has to be on the computer, too...my brain goes too fast to write longhand.
Silence or instrumental music - I agree, words with the music is too distracting.
i need the music to run over and over so i can add the lyrics,,sometimes i have lyrics without tunes..this is more difficult for me.and i end up humming in bed all night
I can write with silence or any noise around me because I block it out, however there is a limit. I have 6 people in my home right now, 2 small children, and when the tantrums start or the crying persists I have to stop. Thats when I have to draw the line
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Actually, I do the same thing. I listen to instrumental while I write. Usually classical, sometimes jazz but something without emotion that interferes with what I'm writing.
I rarely listen to anything while I'm writing, except my own head.
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I listen to Crimson Tide or some instrumental piece that captures the mood of the play. For 'Haunts and Mindscapes' one of my plays that I wrote I listened to music that Kenny Johnson wrote for the play. And music allows me to focus and drown out the noise of the house and the world around me.
Instrumental music only.
IF anything is playing like music or tv I usually tune it out when i"m writing. If you're the kind of person who is inspired by a certain music I'd use that to inspire me if I were you