Success Stories: SEP'17 Stage 32 made me a filmmaker

Karen Goldfarb

Stage 32 made me a filmmaker

I'd just like to thank this site for the incredible connections and support I have found here. Without it, I never would have made my short film: Here's Lookin' at You, Kid... It's still in post-production.. but it never would have happened without this site..Thank you..

Debbie Elicksen

That is awesome, Karen. You always had it in you, but it helps when you put yourself in front of a community that can push you out farther.

Karen Goldfarb

Thanks Debbie...;)

Richard "RB" Botto

This is fantastic, Karen! Thank you so very much for sharing! Best of luck with the film! Keep us posted on the progress!

Dustin Bowcott

Well done, Karen. Hopefully this quickly leads to a feature. Good luck with any festivals you enter, if you're thinking that far ahead.

Lars Davidson

I like the Bogart title. Sounds great!

Karen Goldfarb


Pat Savage

Great stuff!

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