Screenwriting : First Pitch w/ Major Studio by Sultana Gargaar

Sultana Gargaar

First Pitch w/ Major Studio

Yesterday, I had my first pitch session with a major Hollywood production company. I think it went well, the man I was pitching too was kind & attentive. He told me that they had a couple of scripts with similar antagonist, but he said he liked it & asked if I had it in screenplay format ( i do) & also asked to send a 2 page outline of my screenplay. Do you think that's good news? He said he was interested & wanted to learn more, so hopefully that's good news for my nonexistent screenwriting career!! Tell me what you think.

Mark Souza

It is good news. Get cracking on that outline and remember, it's a writing sample. As dry as it's going to want to be, you have to find a way to spice it up and make it a good read as well. Good luck.

Marvin Willson

Congrats on your pitch. Did you meet in person?

Sultana Gargaar

Mark- Thanks for the support, I've already gave him the outline (a bit premature) but he sounded a bit urgent. Don't worry I def spiced it up and made it seem worth while to pursue. Marvin- No it was a virtual pitch, hopefully can result in a face 2 face meeting in the near future.

Sultana Gargaar

Wow, thanks Jacqueliene! That seems like a great situation you have across the pond. And I will definitely be following up after receiving good results. Praying that that's what the studio executive thinks! Thanks again & best of luck in all your endevors.

D Marcus

That's excellent news!

Jr Vaca

I hope to see it soon :)

Janet Scott

Wonderful news Sultana... that is a sweet name by the way.... Congratulations lass.

Marvin Willson

Sultana - Tell me you didn't pay to pitch to this producer?

Tiffy Diamond

I think that sounds like wonderful news. Keep pitching that script out to others while you wait for his input and of course keep writing!

Sultana Gargaar

D Marcus & Jr Vaca- Thank you guys !! Janet- thanks for that comment, i love Janet btw it reminds me of the greatest ever, Miss Jackson Marvin- No, I didn't haha Tiffy- I def will, people have told me to write for t.v so I guess thats the next thing

MK Henderson

Good luck and stay focus. Can I read it? Honest opinion, I swear.

Shaun Singh

Congrats Sultana! Best to you!

Tammy Vega

Good Luck

Shane M Wheeler

Congratulations. Remember, no matter how it goes, it's progress. If people are asking for outlines, it's a good sign it's interesting enough that if they pass, someone else may want it.

Gabriel Joseph Fernandes

That is exactly what you should hear... It's all positive! Be positive and you will see the outcome!!! Congratz!!!

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