Hi, it's never too late to live your dreams is what I tell my mentoring clients. It's true. If a woman can start her life work at age 82 then I can at my age. I grew up acting in church and school plays, singing and I have always been interested in directing. So, here I am pursuing an old passion at a new start in my life. While I have written a solid screenplay for my short film, (with wonderful editing help from a cinematographer), writing screenplays is a lot different for me than writing a book. I'd rather direct. I like to bring creativity to life and help others bring out their creativity. I like to encourage and motivate. I like to see what is written come to life. I'm always looking for screenplays of substance. Join me on my journey and together we can have fun and bring the written to life.
I'd love to join you on your journey, it's wonderful to hear someone being passionate about creativity and not just money. I wish you the best of luck. Magnus
Thank you! Yes, it's about the passion - what brings you alive!
Your commitment to starting again and to bring creative energy to film is inspiring. Best of luck.
Never stop dreaming and never stop pursuing what you know is your passion and livelihood!
Thank you Marc.
J. Jim - Never will! Thank you!
You have no idea how inspiring you are to me! At 52, I have been feeling 102, as I literally start my life all over, in EVERY area. I constantly fight against the many regrets over the wasted years gone by, while pushing forward toward the years ahead, wondering if it's too late for me to achieve any success. Thanks for showing me that as long as we're breathing, it's not too late to at least try!!
You're welcome. Best of luck moving ahead!
Carmealette - you are very welcome!
check out my web site if you need assistance gloriasworld.net
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It's Never Too Late!!! Go For It!!!!
I agree with your notion of directing rather than writing in many ways. I like the idea of stepping outside of just writing and embodying other roles in cinema as well. I wish you the best of luck Gloria!
Maria - I am!
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CJ - thank you and who knows we may work on a project together. :)
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Gloria, you are a ray of sunshine .... Shine your light....
Janet, thank you. I shine everywhere I go. :)
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I can see that on your expression my dear.... You are a beautiful of soul....
Thank you very much. You have made my day and night. :)
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Congrats on your new start! I hope it works out well.
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Benjamin, thank you! I believe it will. :)
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It will.... without a doubt....
I like this post, and i like ur passion of working gloria .. keep it up, cheers :)
Yasir, thank you!