Hello Everyone! My name is Kristine Knowlton, I'm an actor/writer/director from South Jersey. My film company has just recently entered the Dorito's Super Bowl Commercial contest. Please take a look at our videos at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOHtO5_2papPS9Eq6zXKrMsCh2XDVSbjb and check me out on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/KristineKnowltonOfficial. I'm always looking to collaborate =)
Hey Kristine! Loved your vids and am wishing you all the best for the Super Bowl contest -- when do they let you know the good news?! Just Liked your page on Facebook as well too! Welcome to Stage32! -- Jeff (Bobo Noir)
Thank you so much Jeff! I think just after the holiday they will announce the finalists! I'm glad you like them =) Yes we are now connected on Facebook. I'm really interested in seeing more about "Bobo Noir"
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Kristine: Congrats on the spot. I had planned to be in one of these too but it did not align for me so I let it go. It's nice to hear of others who seized the moment. Wishing you well in the competition.
Thank you so much Neva! Yeah ours were last minute, but we got them up. Sometimes you just gotta jump right in! On the upside, we have all of next year to make more entries =)
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Good luck!
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Good luck with the contest, Kristine.
Thank you Deborah and Pierre!