Introduce Yourself : A writer of all trades by Nikolai Blaskow

Nikolai Blaskow

A writer of all trades

Greetings fellow artists My name is Nikolai Blaskow I live in Canberra Australia. I began writing poetry in my thirties and very quickly became enamoured with screenwriting. Working with a professional site called Fast Screenplay I completed my first project entitled Once Upon A War. I am editor of Dialogue Australasia Network, and am Head of Department (Religious and Values Education) at Radford College. I use film extensively in the classroom as a powerful teaching paradigm, and am by all facets of film and film making. I write curriculum and occasional academic articles and hope to complete three other screenwriting projects, one a homage to my city of birth, and the other a sci-fi that has been in gestation for twenty years. I love the theatre and have produced and directed quite a number of plays including Oedipus Rex, The Crucible and Macbeth. I was born in Berlin and speak German and French. This site rocks. Look forward to getting to know you all better in 2014. My best wishes for every success in the new year.

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