Introduce Yourself : Hello my name is Lena Anderson by Lena Anderson

Lena Anderson

Hello my name is Lena Anderson

Good Evening! I hope the New Year has started off wonderful for everyone. I just wanted to introduce myself. I am the Co-Owner of ENSPIRE Magazine (, and I am currently working on a project about Mental Health. I am looking forward to making connections and learning as much as I can from the film community! Cheers

Richard "RB" Botto

Great to have you here, Lena. Congrats on the publication.

HannahFaith Rader

Welcome! Your project sounds very interesting... but that's coming from a psychology nerd. =) Best of luck!!

Pedro Vasquez

Hi Lena! Nice meeting you. :-)

Kevin Lee Boling Jr

Hello everyone I'm Kevin! New to this joint so break me in if you have to! Here to make some new friends and create good experiences so let's get this party started!

Cindy Myskiw

Happy New Year to you as well, Lena. I am very interested in anything to do with Mental Health. I have a link to a Utube video I did about depression. If you are interested.

Pedro Vasquez

Hola Lena: Welcome!

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