Introduce Yourself : Hello by Todd A. Robinson

Todd A. Robinson


I am a Portland, OR-based actor/director. I recently appeared on Grimm, and am currently directing a TV comedy pilot. I look forward to networking with more professionals...

Anthony Patch

Hello Todd. We've crossed paths on Grimm as well. Currently, formed EL Studio with Edward Lawless (L.A.), to produce my screenplay: "L. A. Crime Story". 90% of film (interiors) to be shot in Portland. Hope to be working with you.

Philip Sedgwick

Big Grimm fan here!

Allison Bruning

Hello Todd. How are you? I'm a screenwriter. I LOVE Grimm.

Deborah Eve Alastra

me too! (i'm an artist/children's book writer and illustrator)- my daughter works at Olive or Twist in the Pearl and told me they were filming outside of it last night- ;)

PJ Edwards

Cool. My sister lives in Oregon and am curious about film/tv industry there/.

Sylvie Cohen

I Todd, I'm an actress in AZ . Very cool that you got a chance to be cast in Grimm. I was cast in an horror movie Speak No Evil with Gabrielle Stone, Dee Wallace's daughter. Dee ( E.T, Cujo) is cast as the mother in Grimm now.

Todd A. Robinson

Nice! I love the casting of Dee Wallace and Chris Mulkey as Monroe's parents on Grimm.

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