Screenwriting : Nicholl 2014 by Wayne Taylor

Wayne Taylor

Nicholl 2014

It's that time again. Anyone else joining the largest amatuer contest in the world? It's only $35 until the end of the month. I think there are over 800 entries so far.

MJ Brewer

Holy cow! That's definitely proof of your writing skills to gain acknowledgement here with so many participants. Show those colors!

CJ Walley

Yeah I'm entering Nicholl for the first time Wayne.

Rick Hardin

I think I'm going to give it a go as well.

Antonia Jones-Hackley

I'm planning to.

Ginger Marin

I submitted a script on Feb 9th that I co-authored.

Monique Mata

Submitted Feb 5 for my 2nd time. Fingers crossed, everyone!

Wayne Taylor

good luck all

CJ Walley

And the best of luck to you too Wayne :)

Wayne Taylor

Just entered.

Rick Hardin

I just posted mine!

Wayne Taylor

2700 entries

Wayne Taylor


Danny Manus

Another 3500 submissions sure to come in the next two weeks. FYI, just in submission fees, Nicholl makes almost $300K.

Wayne Taylor

They pay out $35000 each to the top 5

Virginia Brucker

I'm in too, Wayne. Here's wishing you luck!

Wayne Taylor

You too Virginia

Wayne Taylor


Wayne Taylor

7511 I think is the final count. Good luck guys and gals. I think they notify quarterfinalists around the first week in august.

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