Screenwriting : WGA Jobs Report: Women, Minority Writers Lose Ground in Film, Make Small Gains in TV by Andrew Heard

Andrew Heard

WGA Jobs Report: Women, Minority Writers Lose Ground in Film, Make Small Gains in TV

This is just terrible.


Beyond tragic!

Andrew Heard

On a lot of levels. A sad state of affairs that we need to find a way to fix.

Nick C. Goins Jr.

Won't be that way for long.

Andrew Heard

One would hope not.

Demiurgic Endeavors

It is what it is. Unfortunately.

Nick C. Goins Jr.

There is an appalling lack of unity. It is through unity that there is stronger representation. With stronger representation within the film community, interacting directly with consumers and studios simultaneously, can we make it possible for these untold stories to be heard. Saying it won't work before a solid, concentrated effort is made is a cop-out

Jazmen Darnell Brown

As bad as Hollywood is with hiring diverse writers, it has a tragic record with hiring diverse TV directors. My manager told me the amount of working minority TV directors in Hollywood today is the same as it was in the 70's.

Kenya Hendricks

Would love to be apart of that change

Geveryl Robinson

I intend to be a part of the change, Kenya! This report, although sobering, is also motivational for me. Maybe i'm a sucker for punishment, but as my grandfather used to say, "Nothing beats a fail, but a try."

Nick C. Goins Jr.

This starts with wrters and producers of content creating and pushing projects of all genre with Diversty in ALL aspects. There are so many great stories not being told. I'll do my part if the rest of you will. What do you say?

Geveryl Robinson

I'm already doing my part, Nick. Pitching my series today, and pitched last week as well. Received a script request from my pitch last week, and hopefully one today, so we'll see how it goes!

Nick C. Goins Jr.

Cool! Keep me posted on how that goes!

Geveryl Robinson

Will do, Nick. :-)

Demiurgic Endeavors

What also needs to be examined is the shift of women and minorities from behind the scenes to in front of the camera. There may be a plateau balancing act where there is no increase in representation only a shift in presence. So if acting is currently in vogue eventually writing, directing and producing will see a shift in diversity. Also the total film output for the industry needs to be examined. That film output represents a finite number of writing jobs to be obtained.

Justine-Paula Robilliard

"It is what it is" is a disgusting and pathetic comment and view on the industry, bs to that...We make the industry, we are the industry, we choose how to make the industry, it seems that we are too lazy or jealous or both, it seems that people simply do not want to invest any time, maybe they are scared we will do a better job, I do not know, I just know that it is a hateful industry, no matter how hard I try and explain all that happens is the same B/S attitude..Why do we need this silly attitude???

Ruby Zandra Waller

Hello Ladies, Women in Arts are petitioning for a Symposium at the White House to deal with the issues impacting our success in our trade. We're pushing for the 4th of August. I've been reading your posts and will keep your issues in mind to bring up once we have a time and a place to assemble. Women in Arts seem to be left out when it comes to equality and fairness. Time to make a change and let the cream rise to the top. Out of respect for Richard, I have not posted the petition in this forum for your signatures, but feel free to message me if you are interested in attending the Symposium for Women in Arts at the White House.

LindaAnn Loschiavo

We need a DISLIKE button here.

Ruby Zandra Waller

Yes, Lisa it is the White House we are seeking to have the Symposium for Women in Arts at as a first choice. My mistake. is run together. I am at that website a lot and in the habit of running White House together when I am rushing. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. That tells me some one is paying attention. The main thing is getting the support we need from Women in Arts so the Symposium will have the backing we need to come together and propose more equitable changes while President Obama is in office. He stands with women and is doing what he can to help us succeed. He believes when women succeed, America is better off. I believe that to be true . As a woman in Arts and a member of the Women's Leadership Corps and many other organizations vested in the success of Women in Arts and all other fields, I look forward to having a Symposium at the White House where we can recommend legislation that gives women a fair shot at being successful with their craft in all areas.

Ruby Zandra Waller

Potus can't do any legislation. Congress writes the laws. That is why the immigrants pressured POTUS into acting with executive orders on their behalf because Congress refused to legislate a path to citizenship to them. They spoke up. The squeaky wheel got the juice. Potus's executive orders now has Congress having to address it. Women in arts should take a page from the undocumented immigrants who refused to be denied legislation when Potus can do Executive orders if Congress won't act when citizens are being treated unfairly. Women have been treated unfairly in all aspects of life from what I have seen in my 60 years of living. However, we sit back and don't tilt the boat or speak up for ourselves as a big voice waiting on someone else to speak up for us leaving us vulnerable to no action because of no numbers. Unfortunately, politicians make the laws and legislate. Politicians look for numbers. If the numbers show hundreds on a petition for a cause, it is viewed as millions against it and tabled. Congress needs to see millions of women standing up for themselves meaning there is enough that can affect them with their unsatisfied vote.

Joan Cartwright

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Ruby Zandra Waller

Hello Diva JC. Nice connecting with you here!

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