Introduce Yourself : An Old guy living by a lake and working at renewal by Mike Milton

Mike Milton

An Old guy living by a lake and working at renewal

Hi All! I'm finally free of my business career (which was quite fun and rewarding and bought me my present freedom so it can't be anything to complain about). I play a few interesting instruments and last year that got me hired to work on a big Disney film. I did instrument programming, coaching and on set support and had a great time. Therein lies the challenge and opportunity (I hope). Before getting sidetracked into the business world, I had set out and made reasonable progress towards a Theatre career. Just budding but working for the house and backstage had led to a few walk-on bits and an offer of a part but 'sense' prevailed. The Disney work reminded me just how much I enjoyed the work and most importantly the people. We may all be vagabonds in this industry as we wander from job to job but we really foster our relationships and our ability to bring out the best in each other. That is why I'm here. At this stage I'm not driven by career or a need for work but I'm really driven to work with people who I can contribute to, help, and do great things. I started out by saying I was living by a lake and if you'd like a little virtual visit here are a few casual snapshots of my location. If you are nearby, there is always a glass of wine to be had! Thanks for listening, Mike

Our Home
Our Home
We live in a log cabin built in a lake. We've been here over 40 years and every year gets better. It has been featured on "Cottage Country" (CBC, PBS) and "Cottage Life TV" (CTV) - you might catch it in reruns
Frank Gaydos

Mike, your cabin and location look beautiful...some of us are lucky enough to find our own piece of paradise...I found mine in San Miguel de Allende, wife and I build a home overlooking the Rio Laja River, which this time of the year is a huge lake with heron, egrets, pelicans and other water five minutes were in the water in our kayaks, enjoying the wildlife closeup.. in the evenings we watch the murmuration of thousands of cow birds swooping and gyrating in synchronized patterns...San Miguel is a historical World heritage city built in the 1500's and the site for the beginning of the fight for independence in's a mecca for writers, artist, musicians..we have the annual SMA Writer's Conference which attracts writers such as Margaret Atwood, Barbara Kingsolver, Pat Conroy, Tom Robbins, just to mention a few...we also have the prestigious 10-day Guanajuato International Film Festival...last year our guests were directors Danny Boyle and Darren Aronofsky..we also have the 10 Minute play and fringe festival..many directors and actors live here and we put on top notch stage plays..the music scene is incredible with chamber music festivals, blues, rock, opera and top it off, the weather here is beautiful all year..we're in the central plateau of Mexico, 7000 elevation, 3 1/2 hours north of Mexico City, so it's easy to fly to and from anywhere in the world...I'm a screenwriter and play writer with lot's of family in the 'biz' My wife and I are environmental activists, she's the president of Sociedad Audubon de Mexico and I'm on the board of Agua Vita (water conservation)...when it gets too cold, come visit us...Frank

Mike Milton

Thanks for the visit. Your place sounds wonderful. We actually like the winters here because it is even quieter, cleaner and the wildlife returns.

Lina Jones

Congrats to you Mike! & best wishes on something FUN! :D

Mike Milton

Thanks Lina... Best success to you as well.

Richard "RB" Botto

Fantastic post, Mike. Congratulations on the Disney gig! Onward and upward, my friend.

Timothy Colin Campbell Sr.

Mike, about that "Old Guy ... working at renewal" let me say that I represent that remark! As a writer, I find the older I get, the more stories I have to tell. It's one of the few areas that aging is actually an advantage. :)

Mike Milton

Richard, Thanks it was an absolute blast. I was originally cast for the part but I really did not look the part so it turned into a partnership with another actor. These things happen and, frankly, it left me much more flexibility to wander about on an unbelievable set. Now I gotta wait till 2015 to see it. Timothy, BIG Smile - I hear you. It is a great time of life in many ways.

Richard "RB" Botto

Great story. Most important, you had a blast. Never a bad thing doing (and enjoying) what you love.

Frank Gaydos

I can relate to that Mike, I bet winter is magical there...ain't nature grand!

Rowen Bridler

Wow - looks amazing! What a place to live! If I were in the vicinity I'd definitely pop by with a bottle of wine to share!

Frank Gaydos

Thanks, it is an awesome place...creativity flows in abundance..

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