Hi everyone, just to let my contacts know that I have updated my occupation due to a move from the UK Arts Directory to Three Way Films and Noca Music Ltd. I now work as an agent for two UK based scriptwriters who have worked on worldwide productions from blockbuster movies to smaller budgets, theatre to reality tv and show concepts, I am also working as a PR Executive for a new UK based musician Fraser Churchill at Noca Music Ltd ( Fraser has been mentored by Sir Paul McCartney ). Please feel free to check out my new updated profile and skills as always happy to connect. Many Thanks
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Couldn't help but comment when I saw your note about Fraser, I met him briefly in Mayfair - I was on my way to a gig and he was on his way to a gig/interview at BBC. Really pleased to hear he's making great strides ahead with his music :-)
Hi Shirley, Thanks for connecting but I am not a producer I only work as an agent for two scriptwriters at Three Way Films in getting them work for their own concepts and projects currently but I wish you all the best for the future with your own projects.
Hi Hafizat, great to connect with another creative that knows Fraser. He is onto big things this year with a dedicated team behind him to help push his music, I will pass on your lovely message to him hope everything is going amazing for you too :-)
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Yes thanks Donna all's well. I'm interested in hearing more about what you do - as you may have read on my profile we're looking for high calibre Directors and/or scriptwriters for our urban dance drama production which is being pitched as a TV mini series.
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Congratulations Donna on your new journey! ATB to you.
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Wonderful news about your new endeavors, Donna! Good on you!
Great!! Much success to you.
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Donna, awesome. Would you please share www.righttrackbeats with your friends on Twitter and Facebook. It's our new music site. Ask them to like our page. Thanks very much.