Success Stories: MAY'11 Great for the opportunities

Great for the opportunities

Just had to let everyone know about my experience so far. First, I was skeptical about joining Stage 32. A friend said it was a social networking site for people in the business. I thought great, now I get to see pictures of pets that belong to people in the business, rather than those of say an accountant. But I joined. I am new to the business, and figured what the heck, it can't hurt. Then I got an email about pitching. I thought there is no way I can do a Skype pitch so I did a written one. No luck. I said Jeff just put on your big boy panties and do the Skype thing. I did. I also paid a little extra to have a prep session with Joey. I was so nervous. Joey is GREAT!!! He is nice, easy going, funny and knows how to put people at ease. He made me feel so much better. I had my first Pitch session, Erica Bardin was there with the guy I pitched to. She is every bit as nice, funny and helpful as Joey is. Having them in your corner is like having a friend in the industry cheering you on. They are supportive, and always there if you have a question. Not only are they good people, they provide an invaluable service!! Where else can you pick and choose who you pitch to? So far I've done two Skype pitches to people I never would have had access to. Both have requested a script. Maybe they'll like them, maybe not but they are reading my work and only because of Joey, Erica, and everyone else here at Stage 32!! Thank you guys so much. My career is moving forward because of the great things you are doing and I am deeply in your debt!! I hope everyone else has the same wonderful experiences here that I am

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Jeff - we are so glad you shared your experience with us and more than anything we are glad you are part of the Stage 32 community. You'll find plenty of support here - not just with the Happy Writers, but also in the lounge. Thanks for making the decision to become a 32er :)

Spike Thurbon

Sounds great! Keep us informed Jeff. Spike ;)

Jeff Rosenberg

Thanks Spike, will do. And if you haven't tried it you have to. Nerve wracking, scary and rewarding

Michael J Smyth

great stuff Jeff. You're right, they may or may not like what you're pitching but at least you're getting your face in front of people you would not have had an opportunity to ever meet. Oh and thanks Alle, I'm about to post a couple of my most recents shorts so I must rememebr to make them sound interesting :)

Larenzo Simmons

Congrats my friend. That's all anyone can ask for is the opportunity! After that all you can do is let your work speak for itself :)

Jeff Rosenberg

Thanks, just hope they like what they see

Larenzo Simmons

They will, always stay positive & optimistic. Be confident in your craft

Jeff Rosenberg

Thanks, just never want to sound arrogant. Grateful for the opportunity

Larenzo Simmons

Of course Jeff, always be appreciative. I personally can't stand arrogance so I was never implying that. There is a big difference between arrogant & confident my friend, I wish you the best

Larenzo Simmons

In all due respect there is a difference between arrogance & being assertive also. I am far from being passive, I am aggressive & assertive but never arrogant! No offense Alle its all in good taste :)

Mercedes Georgina McQueen

Jeff rosenberg,great story,glad your career is moving forward

Jeff Rosenberg

Thank you Mercedes (me too!, LOL). Hope all is well with you

Maureen Hill

That is wonderful!

Jeff Rosenberg

Thanks Maureen, now the hard part of waiting for them to read it

Maureen Hill

We're all that boat. Best of luck!

Thierry Koffi

As you said: "it can't hurt to join"...

Jeff Rosenberg

Exactly, give it a shot

Amy Kelly

Way to go!

Doris B. Gill

Great new1, Keep up the good work!

Jeff Rosenberg

Thanks Doris,

Doris B. Gill

The possibilities are endless!!

Jeff Rosenberg

As my favorite yoga tape says as log as it is 11:59 you have time to do it over

Stephen Foster

isn't it great?!

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