Anything Goes : High Budget Trilogy by unknown writer. by Carlos de La Torre

Carlos de La Torre

High Budget Trilogy by unknown writer.

I've written a High Budget Trilogy. The First Story is way over 50M and I would rather don't mention the budget for the next two. This was not my choice it just happened this way. I'm an unknown writer with no credits and according to a good friend and well known agent now manager (not my agent) after 30 years in the business and 18 of them working as Head Literary Agent for one of the 4 well known Agencies in LA, he was never able to get financing for a High Budget film. He once told me: Carlos, I hate to be the one constantly reminding you that in this business there's no Santa Claus", so for me that was the end of that! Now I have a question for all you guys...Are these kind of projects only made possible by the Spielbergs , Camerons, etc....? Has this become just Wishful thinking or a daydream for us mortals for the rest of our lives or is there a way to get it done? ....and by the way I'm not one of those writers using a script in place of a lottery ticket...hahaha! Thanks for your precious time guys and I would more than gladly appreciate your feedback!

Valentine Penders

All I can say is that I hope you will make it and if you need a cinematographer, I'd be happy to help! Even though I get this is not really what your message is about... But still, I'm a positive person so I'd just say one more thing, with no real knowledge of the level of complication for this situation, don't give up, sometimes, it's maybe just about being in the right place at the right time...

Carlos de La Torre

Thank you Valentine...and of course "The who you know"....Well, I hardly no anyone in this business Valentine just my good friend and as you already heard you know what he had to say ....hahahaha..I'll keep you in mind Valentine and you have a Great Day!

Carlos de La Torre

By the way Valentine.....I will always believe in Santa Claus...hahahaha!

Valentine Penders

Me too, but please don't tell, nobody knows ;-)

Carlos de La Torre

you bet....hahahaha

Durand Garcia

Why haven't you shown your script to Spielberg?

Carlos de La Torre

Hahahaha! Hi Duran, nice to meet you!.....Besides the fact that Spielberg most have at least a dozen screenwriters writing his own projects and his staff would never open any unsolicited material i don't know an agent or producer that is capable of reaching him... Thank you Durand!

Durand Garcia

Okay, that explains in part why there is so many junky films. I have an address for you should you care to contact me regarding it. He is a producer of smaller films but it always looking for "Big Film" His last address in Key West. If you're interested and if your script is registered with the screen writers guild then please feel free to call me. The number is on my fight resume. It is a long shot but if you don't have anything might like to hear a few details about what I've suggested. In Peace, DG

Carlos de La Torre

Hi Durand, I will definetely call you with regards to your recent suggestion....In the meantime I recently posted a Logline and Synopsis of the Trilogy's first story that you may want to take a look at when you have the time...After all if your producer friend likes the project we just might already be in business....hahahahaha! Thanks again and have a Good Day Duran!

Tennessee Winston Luke


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