Screenwriting : Process by Rodney Simmons

Rodney Simmons


I know everyone has a different process when it comes to writing, what's yours? Me I normally take an idea and then it turns to a scene and the characters and finally a story. What's everyone else's process from the initial idea to story

Michael Lee Burris

Concept, storyline then the characters fall in but all processes and approaches are revisited periodically. That's my general process and I'm not saying it is right or wrong or that anyone's has to be same. I have no set process for the same body of work either but this is generalized. The scene, action and dialogue probably should be towards the last element in my opinion though.

Cherie Grant

Concept, main character, then take notes maybe some scenes jump into mind, flesh out more characters esp protag and antag, outline, script, more notes and back to outlining then back to script, lol. It's a bit of a scramble.

Ken Koh

Log-line. I always perfect my log-line in 27 words or less that sums up my whole film. The log-line is my guide and keeps me on track during the entire writing process. After that, I don't think about format, or structure, I just put don't every idea that comes in and write it all down.

Tracey Bradley

main character - plot concept - Opening scene - logline - outline

Antonio Ingram

I only write when I'm inspired so depending on the theme, that is what I write. Over time I get a visual of what I want the story to be about. I always build my blueprint based off a movie that I am inspired by and then I go through a process of what If? or why not? Then lightning strikes and I write my idea down because within that bolt of lightning I have seen what I want to happen, what kind of characters to have, and what audience I want to impact along with the moral. Thanks for mentioning the topic Rodney.

Christopher Soucy

Some stories sprout from a single scene. Others from an over arching idea. Sometimes I think of a character and follow that character through an adventure. Sometimes think of an event and see how it influences the people around it. Each story is different, born of a different inspiration or direction. I like to start small. I try to find some foothold or niche to latch onto.

CJ Walley

Concept - story points - story overview - scenes - review - character alignment matrix - positive protag traits - treatment - beats - review - actual first draft - review - polishing - review - suicide

Cherie Grant

LOL. You're making me laugh first thing in the morning, CJ. thanks.

Anthony Ward

I usually have an idea/concept, then I birth the characters (and generate their complete back story), I even carry them around in my head for a couple of month and gauge how I presume they would react to situations that I am in in real life, the I build the scenes around the characters that I have created. I this approach I feel I am writing screenplays around my specific characters. So when (not if) it's being cast, they will cast actors that can play MY characters and not rewrite my movie to fit the actors. At least this is the theory.. if the writing is solid, I think it works more often that not. :)

Robert David Olsen

I usually think about what I want to get out of each individual act so I have a beginning, middle, and conclusion first... The details usually build off of that... Especially in the rewrites haha

Rodney Simmons

Thanks for all the info guys and gals. It's good to know that everyone has a different process. I thought I was weird for how I write but good to see there is no straight forward formula that everyone follows. Thanks again.

Kirk S.

I try hashing out the plot over and over again, until it's something even I would want to go see! Then I start writing like crazy! Then I go over the plot again--rinse and repeat. Once have the whole narrative down, then I hone in on the character development and dialogue.

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