Screenwriting : The all-important Television Bible by Lee Jessup

Lee Jessup

The all-important Television Bible

When developing your TV show, don't forget your all-important bible! It's the tool you'll use convey your vision for the show to reps, producers and network executives.

TV Writer Must-Have: The TV Bible -
TV Writer Must-Have: The TV Bible -
A few weeks ago, I sat down with a television writer who was making the shift from features, where he had been quite successful, to television, which is where his agent recommended he develop next. Th…
Patty Sandoval Sralla

Appreciate this!

Janet Scott

Hello Lea, thank you as always for your informative links....

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Alle: The Vision document sounds like a good idea. I wrote a bible for a television pilot a few years back.

Trey Wickwire

Great article. I have two TV series I'm working on and each has an extensive bible. If some writers find a bible daunting, I suggest starting with a blank template. Basically a page for each character bio. As you write, fill in the blanks as they come to you. By the time you're half way through the pilot the bible will have grown exponentially.

Diane Hanks

Bibles are "all-important." Not easy to write, but they challenge you to think more broadly about your characters and their world. And these are things you have to know very well before you pitch a series. Another advantage to writing a bible is that it can lead to an improved pilot. I always learn things about my characters and story, and then go back and rewrite the pilot. Your bible can be as long as you like, for your own use. But when you send it out, I'd recommend keeping it concise. Busy people don't have time to read two pages of description for each character when one paragraph will do.

Gary O'Toole

yeah, great article-good read, thanks for posting.

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