My mission is to get people to fund their films, get distribution, and THEN, make their movie. Far too many want to make a film, make everyone work for free, send it out to festivals, and hope it makes money. That is a very bad business plan. There is a formula that will almost guarantee income in this business. It varies a little here and there, but there are certain rules you should not try to break, at least until you have some successes under your belt. I'm a filmmaker, publisher, and more. Working in the indie market, I learned that there are many who don't understand the ropes, and who would like to be guided to making better films, and to learn how to make a profit. There's plenty of money to be made, but it doesn't come instantly. There's a lot of work behind success. Occasionally, someone gets lucky. 99.9% of the time, those overnight successes came after years of blood, sweat, and tears. I try to give people the information they need to succeed.
I am just now taking the first steps to publicize Truth or Lies, Life or Death, a book that I wrote after it came to me one night in a dream. Any suggestions?
write down EVERYTHING you can remember as fast as you can. then, develop your story arch. then, develop your characters. tweak it until you think it's perfect. then, hire a script doctor to look it over
Are you working on any projects yourself at the moment?
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I always have several projects going. American Bred starts production next month. working on a few features, a miniseries, a couple TV shows, commercials, music videos, and my magazine -
Oh, very cool. If you need music for any of them, hit me up! :)