Success Stories: JUL'12 One step closer to a success...

One step closer to a success...

Today I pitched to Joe Russo from Level 1 Entertainment and within two hours I got famous e-mail from Joey Tuccio YOUR SCRIPT REQUESTED! My happiness is limitless... and not the first time... my romantic comedy "Contraband Love" was requsted more than ten times and everytime it's still be immense delight that I live in Rome, Italy and producers, managers from big Hollywood Studious read my script. You should be very talented, over motivated, hard working/writing scribe but to find a right company for your script among myriads of names... Joey Tuccio with his charisma is a true guide not only for pitching but for supporting creativity in general. There is would be never enough words of gratitude for Joey and Stage 32 Happy Writes!

Angela Baker

Congratulations Halyna that is fantastic!

Halyna Domanska

Thank you, Angela! Wish a chain of successes will go on for you too!

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Fantastic news Halyna. You've have 10 requests??? Wow. Amazing.

Halyna Domanska

Sylvia, the requests of scripts put us closer to our goal... to get our script produced, to get our movies made! Wish you happy writing & your movies made!

Benson Descartes

That is so cool!

Halyna Domanska

Of course, It's cool , Benson when the proffesionals pay attention to your writing...but I shared that news rather for an inspiration : you can make it with a help of this amazing WEB-site!

Angela Baker

Thank you Halyna would love to see your romantic comedy it would be amazing defiantly a fav genre of mine. Keep inspiring and enjoy your day Angela.B :) x

Halyna Domanska

Thank you, Angela! :) x Best luck for your projects as well!

Majid Saghir Malik

Congratulations Halyna.

Halyna Domanska

Best luck for your scripts & movies, Majid!

Majid Saghir Malik

Thank you. I appreciate it.

Glenda Victor


Halyna Domanska

Thank you Glenda! & have your scripts sold!!!

Annie Mac


Alexandra Cohler

What wonderful news!

Thomas Doran

That's fantastic news Halyna! Congratulations and all the very best wishes with your romantic comedy script! Tom.

Marcus Bodington

Halyna, hard work does pay off, congratulations and start working on the next successful script.

Marcus Bodington

If you put your mind to it, you can achieve anything in life, good work.

Jamie Handley

It's always great to hear that up and coming writers are making it in the door. Best to you, stay excited!

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Have you received any other form of communication after ten requests or are you still waiting? What's the next step?

Tim Aucoin

Awesome! Did you pitch through Stage32?

Halyna Domanska

Annie, I feel it & finger crossed for you too!

Halyna Domanska

Alexandra, thanks for nice words! In the Stage32 Happy Writers there is too much spots for the happyending writer's stories!

Halyna Domanska

Thomas, thank you & you should be the next!

Halyna Domanska

Thanks for the motivation words, Marcus, I'm just in writing another script and on developing another one. All the best for your projects!

Graham Giddy

As a fellow foreigner I hope I can have the save success soon I know you are going to receive, good on you.

Halyna Domanska

Jamie, thanks & all the best for you too!

Halyna Domanska

Sylvia, next step... is writing... I'm not a waiter... Lol!

Halyna Domanska

Tim, I pitched here... in Stage32! Wish you the best luck!

Halyna Domanska

Graham, I think that's a right place to have a hope & build your writer's career! Best luck to you!

Kevin Alexander Macci

Im so happy for you......Congratulations!

Halyna Domanska

Thanks, Alexander! Welcome & hope, the success will find you here!

Angel Matheson


Halyna Domanska

Thank you, Angel! Best luck for you too!

Suzanne Lutas

Congratulations and best of luck with your project!

Halyna Domanska

Same to you, Suzanne! & Meanwhile...Happy writing to you!

Merry Citoli

Hi Alexander, Thanks for making the connection with me! Best wishes. Merry Citoli

Amanda Toney

Congratulations Halyna! Best wishes and don't forget to keep us updated on how it goes! :)

Halyna Domanska

Thank you Shannon! Best luck with your projects!

Dawn Gonchar

That's so awesome - congratulations!

Halyna Domanska

Many thanks, Dawn! Wish you to get your scripts produced!

Dawn Gonchar

Me too :) thank you!

David Bryant

Wonderful and inspiring news Halyna! Congratulations!

Marci Urling

Much success and Congrats!!!

Halyna Domanska

Thanks, David! Happy writing to you!

Halyna Domanska

Thanks, Marci! Best luck for you projects!

Marcus Bodington

First of all, what a very interesting year we had this 2016, Donald Trump being elected president, the loss of so many great performers too many to count and many lives lost from unnecessary violence. As filmmakers and producers we owe it to the world to try and make this world a much better place as we left it. Therefore I think it up to us to show the world we can make a difference. Let this 2017 be the year filmmakers can change the world for the better, have safe and happy 2017!

Halyna Domanska

Well said, Marcus! We have to use, to reveal our gifts writing amazing stories that will lead world's audience to the meaningful changes on vision on life, humanity, civilization. We have to make our world better... there is no other options. Happy New 2017 Year to you too!

Marcus Bodington

Thanks Halyna, all the best!

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