Introduce Yourself : Uploading video by Penelope Richards

Penelope Richards

Uploading video

Hey Everybody - Since I listened in on Richard's last online discussion I'm fired up to network with you all. Have tried several times to upload my reel so you can see me in action. It's about 4 minutes long - I tried the drag & drop and also the link that has "Choose File" button - it's not happening. Help!

Andrew Mondia

Another way is to upload it to youtube and share that link. I think I did that. Unsure really as I need to look.

Roger Owen

Could be that the file size is too big (not sure what the limit is). Your reel could be compressed a little to make it small enough to up-load.

Larenzo Simmons

Post a link, it works for me!

Penelope Richards

Yep - the link worked. Please take a look!

Larenzo Simmons

I'm happy that worked for you :)

Annette F Hummell

I tried just now & nothing happened as well.

Sarah Gabrielle Baron

HM. try reaching out to Jason Mirch He's known as dircector of script services but i know he'll direct you in the right direction

Sarah Gabrielle Baron

wait. this is seven years old. lol how did this get to the top?

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