Success Stories: AUG'27 My script was requested!

My script was requested!

My comedy about a rock 'n' roll band was requested! So the waiting

Richard "RB" Botto

Congratulations, Stuart! Keep writing while you wait!

Stuart Clarke

Long Island style

Jan Evans

Great job Stuart! Congrats!

Ricki Holmes

cool. I haven't heard either way. I also had a script request about 3 months ago. Got nothing back from that either. Yea or nay. I'm presuming nay. Sad it was that poor it didn't warrant even a up yours (lol)

Ricki Holmes

Yeah, it was a pass (or up yours lol) hopefully better next time. I'm enjoying the process though. And to get to pitch these guys from home is fantastic. Best of luck with yours Stuart.

Ricki Holmes

Absolutely, so I am psyched about that. Very exciting. I'm telling all my scribe friends to get on this. First off we get to pitch in a far less stressful environment than a crazy cattle call pitch fest, and it can only help with nerves if we eventually do get in a room. Joey, this service you provide is nothing short of inspired.

Steve Sherman

Congratulations, Stuart! :)

Stuart Clarke

I've pitched 4 times in my life. The first was for my novel which was a disastrous pitch, but I got signed anyway. But I thought I'd freeze up on Skype. Turns out with a little coaching from Joey and this great Stage32 format, I did great!

Ricki Holmes

Yeah, but will that take some of my eight minutes(lol)

Steven L. Fournier


Angelo Tartaro

Good for you, Stuart. Continued success.

Steve Sherman

Hi, Stuart, something you mentioned about "now the waiting." I hope you don't just sit and wait, of course. And, I'm sure that's not what you are doing! But, it is an opportunity to point out that writers need to keep pushing forward and, of course, writing. It is in writing that "real" writers get "real" comfort! :)

Stuart Clarke

Already working on my next script

Karen Lucille Samuelson

Congratulations!! How did you do it? Requested by whom? I just finished my screenplay and am entering the jungle of the production world. Any sharing of info would be appreciated!

Curtis McGann

so awesome!! congrats! when you are in need of actors, let me know...I've been known to rock a little bit...okay well maybe not but I can fake it pretty well

Zergog Sebastian Tovar

That's awesome. Congratulations. I have a comedy script about a heavy metal band called "Metal Masters" If I may ask what company handles that genre? You can find mine in my logline section. If you have the time check it out, I think you will like it since you have written the same genre.

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