Dear Friends, please watch our short movie, called LIFE and the choices we make Please share it if you like it and would love to hear your thoughts. thank you
Dear Friends, please watch our short movie, called LIFE and the choices we make Please share it if you like it and would love to hear your thoughts. thank you
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Hi Ani, thanks for sharing. I can't say that I fully understood the story or how the killing related to the dancing and retirement. But the production value is really excellent throughout. From the voice acting, to the 3D rendering and motion design elements, everything was superbly executed from a technical standpoint. It's clear you and Pixelhunters know what you're doing. Really great work. Is this a teaser for something larger or just something done for fun?
Clearly high production values in place here. Very well done visually. Although, during the initial portion with the voice over - I wanted to see rather than be told. The narrator is conveying some great insights, but it is difficult to form an empathetic connection with a mech suited character. The ending where we see the mech operator's face is practically the climax of the piece. It's the lone human image. I'd find a way to have more empathetic human imagery; perhaps the initial voice over has the mech operator getting dressed, in preparation for the match, with the existing voice over imagery cut back and forth. The piece has a lot going for it, but the point (Life and our choices) is being lost in the video game-ish imagery and action. I'd keep all that, just add fragments containing a normal, perhaps slightly pudgy human body suiting up and conveying these memories, maybe talking directly to the camera.
Hi Ani. I'm impressed with the visuals too : ) Like Jonathan, I'm not sure I entirely understand where it's going. One small concern is that the voiceover doesn't seem to fit the face of the skinny-looking guy in the suit. It feels like a trailer voiceover ("In a land where..."). Maybe a slightly lighter voice would carry more sympathy? I feel as though we're all pulling this apart, but it's a really great piece of work!
loved it, loved the twist - totally unexpected. Different is good, I like that it is not a cookie cutter story. it was a very cool production, rock on
Fantastic job!
Oh, my GOD! That was OUTSTANDING!!!
You guys can go any direction you want! I say hunt down video game companies and Hollywood will come calling for that type of professionalism anyway :) BRAVO!!!!
That... Was... PRESTINE for the lack of a better word...
"Get on the bus, Gus!"
I'm confused. The mech suits have a strong resemblance to the Gears of War franchise. Next I thought this was a clone of Red vs Blue. Then it turns into a Hatsune Miku J-pop dance off. Tonally this is all over the place. Production wise this is AA quality. I get the feeling this was a tech demo not an actual animated short.
Fantastic animation, but let down by writers and storytelling, which overall makes this feel like a test shoot.
Fantastic art work. Must have been a monster upload due to the clarity of the file.... I was really hoping to see a moonwalk though. Although predictable, almost calls for it..IMO
An outstanding piece of work, it excels on many levels.
WOW! This is just WOW!
Design, animation and sets are remarkable. Sincere compliments.
looking for 90 min animation pieces Middle East Distribution
Nice work. Looks really good.
Great job. Excellent creation.
Okay Im just going to say this much_ A W S O M E ! so S W E E T #DiamondCity #LJDNSho
Absolutely fantastic! - WELL DONE! OK, when does the film come out? I want to buy it!!
GAWD I love talented people!!!! Truly amazing. Thanks for sharing.