Mokambaku tells the story of a noble warrior who is unafraid to stand up against a bitter, unjustified conflict between two warring tribes. In objecting to t...
A light-speed odyssey through the Cosmos, where we go the farthest distance we can possibly imagine...and just a little further. After encountering the inter...
A Dark Tale of Christmas Cheer. Black Friday takes us into the very mouth of the beast that is pre-Christmas consumerism gone insane. Black Friday is essentially a 'war picture'.
Just in time for Halloween...a recent video, shot-to-existing-music: ‘House of Shadows’ was inspired from having read a truly frightening book, ‘Black House’, written by horror-master Stephen King with Peter Straub. I wanted to capture in music the image and feeling of the utterly eerie, profoundly evil energy which resides there. Without even knowing exactly why, we get a sense that there is something really wrong with this place, rippling and undulating there amidst the trees in...
In-BetweenLand [Please note that this video contains some 'recycled' visual content which I do not in any way claim authorship of.] The music carries us over a mysterious desert landscape as if we're flying on a magic carpet. Rocks and sand are visible in every direction; this is a lonely place -- but it's alive.
Conceived in the style of renowned film music composer Thomas Newman, Forever Waiting features the sounds of piano, harp, electric bass, soft percussions, and a small orchestral ensemble. The emotional scene which inspired the piece is that of a lonely author, off on a writing trip to a cabin somewhere in the American northwest. While there, a few odd real-life characters unexpectedly show up, which soon figure into his work. He also meets a beautiful woman in whom he discovers a romantic interest, hoping (here’s the ‘waiting’ part) that someday she will ‘second the emotion’.
Straight-up, no nonsense, drivin’-with-the-top-down Beer Boogie. The basics are all represented here: slide guitar, blues harp, bass and drums. I can just see the band playing it now, standing on a 3 X 3 stage in the corner of some skanky bar in the corner of some state where everyone talks funny. Welcome to McSorley’s Beef ‘N’ Barf, a safe distance from the Interstate but still close enough to attract jarheads and their barfly girlfriends who wander in from the nearby naval base. Everything smells like beer and Jack Daniel’s Old # 7.
The Hero Returns Straight-up, no-nonsense heroic music for all occasions. Hero Returns features a full orchestra and all-stops-out pipe organ to paint a symphonic portrait of true majesty, triumph, and joy. I borrowed some compositional ideas from renowned film composer John Williams and from an old Easter hymn I came to know. But mainly my gratitude for the inspiration goes to Ludwig van Beethoven, my favorite and most-admired all-time genius.
On Hallowed Ground is another in my growing portfolio of music-for-film intended to showcase how my compositions work with picture. The following is a short description of the images which inspired the underlying musical composition, and the sentiments which those images emote: A sweeping and majestic piece of music-for-film which was inspired by walking the grounds of Gettysburg, site of the ‘greatest’ battle of the Civil War, with particular homage to Pickett’s Charge and the austere...
Soul Sailing; the original images behind the song, prior to this video treatment... Spiraling outward from the center of a cosmic singularity is the etheric, androgynous figure of an enraptured soul, discovering for the first time that such a venture is not only possible, it’s fun. Rings of dancing energy envelop the entity, and as if to embrace the very cosmos the entity is dissolving into, its arms are spread upward in an expression of absolute joy and acceptance. Now freed from the...