Member Since:
August 2022
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About Steve

Got some short films notched up. Little scars that erupted audio visually.

Smalltime conflicted Jewish background with loads of arguing and no central heating till I was twelve which was when my asthma got better. Indulgent power mother made up for my dear one dimensional father who I struggle not to be. I have achieved two dimensionality and aspire to be 3D this year, depending on the decisions I make.

Cinema is my sanctuary where movie magic conspires; I mean the epic weepy stuff, which was my cure to anxiety and background noise growing up. The Wizard of Oz, Singing in the Rain, Meet Me in St Louis, Gilda, Wages of Fear and The Maltese Falcon, MOVIE ART is my blanket, hot water bottle, meal and mood music - at the flick of a clunky TV switch, the confusion outside went away. It was my safe place TV, black and white, overweight like Hardy. Not Olli, those anorectic flat screens. I was absorbed by images and stories: my first proper relationships which make me the man I am today. In therapy the last two years of self-discovery have clarified why I LOVE MOVIE. They are the only secure relationship I ever had.

I am Impulsive, ADHDish (according to questionnaires), professional, caring, socially awkward, intensely focused, anxious as a squirrel until I have my ration of nuts; flexible, adaptable, yet stubborn. I am a good team leader with wisdom, wit and a cognitive empath, who is happiest living inside film. The real world is a great place to steal inspirational nuggets.

I accept not fitting in. I am mostly accepted by my patients and believe am good at my job.

I have two beautiful daughters of whom I am proud.

Downside - organisation is a weak spot. Social etiquette tricky and I can be abrupt. Clumsy. Insensitive. Oddly I have poor geospatial skills yet when visuospatial & camera-oriented I feel at home. I am moody quiet. Procrastination is bad!

I am writing The Mind Trilogy features and have completed the second screenplay "The Mind Network" . Presently I am researching the third part of the Mind Trilogy "Mind Zero."

I begin shooting Garbage Rex this year, a short about homelessness which casts shame on our humanity,.

I have written and staged several plays in Barcelona of which The Toymaker´s Apprentice, a cross between The Nutcracker and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, is my fav and a smashing family show - it would make a great musical! - about the perils of indulging childhood where anti-toys threaten to enslave children as their play pets.


Unique traits: determined, adaptable, problem-solver, No is not a word I hear readily unless a well-constructed argument backs up. I like to work with the same people - for me it is family. If I believe in something and am motivated I follow through to the end.



  • The Mind Network

    The Mind Network Budget: $1M - $5M | Sci-fi Valeria, anchor on The Mind Network, discovers she is the lead story on tonight´s show. Her dream broadcast without her consent, a neurocrime the Network covers up, forces her to reevaluate her past as she discovers the side-effects of mind-broadcasting unleashes her dark side.

  • Enoch´s Flute

    Enoch´s Flute Budget: $1M - $5M | Musical Fantasy Kitsune´s Cabaret is fairylike entertainment for kids, but the venue hides a dark secret. Enoch is a changeling, who plays his flute´s lament which enchant kids so he can traffic them to the witch Haruspex in return for her promise of restoring his child from a curse. A tale that explores loss of childhood innocence at the intersection between fairy-tale and adult desire, and of how generational trauma spills over into a lifetime of tears. 

  • Holiday Kill

    Holiday Kill Budget: $100K - $1M | Thriller Drama Sadie Slawter books online a holiday in Barcelona for an activity-packed trip designed specifically for serial killers like her. After Sadie´s arrival at her designated hotel a series of unforeseen incidents lead to serial kills on serial killers by accident and finally into a showdown with her own flesh and blood as she realises the true impact of her life´s work.

  • Necro

    Necro Budget: $0 - $100K | Horror The witch's curse of eternal life is granted to Condor, her lover, who protects her until Spanish civil war partisans execute her. Finally, 70 years later Condor has collected the child blood he needs to resurrect his love. However, Condor´s last chosen victim is going to lead to his discovery of the astounding truth about himself; certainly much more than he bargained for.

  • The Garbage Quartet

    The Garbage Quartet Budget: $0 - $100K | Thriller Romance The Garbage Quartet - refuse links thematically these stories of a society that discards all too easily. 1) Garbage Rex - What people who live on the street will do to survive, and how we observe/judge them. 2) Revolt ZZ!  -In a near future where androids collect refuse, droid ZZ! a D.A.R.C. ,(Droid Assigned Refuse Collector), discovers the discarded carcass of a fellow robot. 3) Invisible - Black and white silent homage to the 1930s- Street Magician meets Homeless Man & sparks fly. 4) Stitched - a revenge tale inside a web of art installations.

  • Life On Reel

    Life On Reel Budget: $1M - $5M | Fantasy Drama Enter the intriguing world of cocky Benny and the reserved artist Frida as they step into the enigmatic Picture Palace for their first date. Unbeknownst to them, this cinematic journey unveils the intricacies of their past through childhood film clips captured by angelic cameramen. Behind the curtain of this clandestine cinema lies a divine purpose – the screening of human Life On Reels, a meticulous examination of fidelity and authenticity.




  • Chicago film festival semi final Boxed In

  • Dublin film festival semi final Boxed In

  • Wildsound Festival Best Scene Award Holiday Kill


  • imperial College Medical School London

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