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By Jack Rice

GENRE: Thriller

In the age old war against the werewolf, a father and his two sons depend upon their knowledge and their skills but the greatest weapon they have is the love they share for each other.


After winning a martial arts tournament in Montreal, the Burnside family walks by a homeless man who tells them that he’s hungry. Without skipping a beat, they share the money they have and forgo their much discussed steak dinner. When they’re out of sight a Rolls Royce picks up the man who had appeared homeless. While wiping the grime from his face, he informs his driver of the fact that their 10 year search for qualified individuals has come to an end.

As the Burnside family heads home their car is electronically disabled during a severe storm. Dominic, Daniel and David are dropped off at an inn where they learn their host is the reclusive industrialist, Lawrence Stone. Noting the oddness of their situation the small family is about to leave when Stone informs them that he and his driver Otto have lost both of their families as a result of two separate but fatal werewolf attacks. Stone further informs the family of his hope that they will commit to join in the unseen war against this deadly enemy. Extensive funding and the promise of logistic support make little impact upon Dominic who gathers his sons for a hasty exit. As if on cue, a small army of werewolves attacks the inn. An intense struggle takes place and the small family barely escapes. As Dominic turns to see the inn engulfed in flames, David informs him that a bag with their identifying information has been left behind. The family’s attempt to maintain a neutral position is taken from them as they learn they are fated to take part in this most deadly of struggles.

Following a period of intense training the Burnside family learns that the first of many battles they will fight will commence in Boston. The boys face their own struggles in a nearby private high school while their father’s test begins with his assignment as a translator of ancient languages at Boston’s Museum Of Fine Art.

In between a series of deadly encounters and forbidden romances, the true intentions of the Burnsides are discovered. The resident pack of werewolves kidnap David leading Daniel and Dominic on a harrowing pursuit followed by a climactic pitched battle. They are successful with no small amount of help from Mr. Stone and Otto.

As the film concludes we are taken to a private garden in Japan where the long lost mother of the Burnside boys is shown to be a powerful werewolf in the employ of a Yakuza gang attempting to rise to preeminence


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