Soraya Conway

Soraya Conway


Kilmarnock, United Kingdom

Member Since:
August 2022
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Soraya

From the outside looking in, I expect people who see me regularly will think my life is quite dull as I am always working on writing projects, but my projects are my passions. I love writing. In fact, I feel compelled to write and when I am taking a break from that, I post on my Facebook group, Soraya’s Witches Web and work on my website
When I need to take a moment to myself to relax and gather my thoughts, I find refuge in my little garden where I can sit, surrounded by beautiful flowers and shrubs. I am very insular and although this may sound boring for some, for me it is idyllic.
In 2001, I was invited to write reference books on Spells, Tarot, and other esoteric subjects, but always lurking in the depths of my psyche was the desire to write novels and I even took the time to begin one. Finally, in 2015, I took the plunge and independently published The Wooden Rose, a Symbol of Love, followed by Before the Rose, the Gypsy’s Curse. The trilogy was completed with After the Rose, Breaking the Curse. Two more novels followed, and I have to date written more than twenty books



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