Final Ank

Final Ank

Agency Assistant

Jaipur, India

Member Since:
September 2022
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Final

I called and on the flop (8-2-4), the little blind bet, a guy in front of me raised and went all-in... I quickly called since I'm still leading chips wise... I got top pair, but any over Final Ank will kill me. But I called anyway, as did the little blind... Turn: 6 and the river: 8. I caught a set of 8s and flipped out when I saw that I knocked out K-K and 10-10 on the same hand! Ouch! That must've hurt. Two more fishies gone... which left remaining... plus me! I made it into the money and at least won back my entry fee and the $11 that I blindly gave away buying into that Limit SNG earlier.



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